Categories of available FlowDesigner Nodes

* RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking * RobotFlow:MARIE:IO
* RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV * RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
* RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction * RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
* RobotFlow:Vision:Detection * RobotFlow:LABORIUS
* RobotFlow:Vision * RobotFlow:Generic
* RobotFlow:Robots * RobotFlow:FSM
* RobotFlow:Probes * RobotFlow:EMIB
* RobotFlow:Pioneer2 * RobotFlow:Devices
* RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST * RobotFlow:Control
* RobotFlow:MARIE:LOGIC * RobotFlow:Behaviors


* RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking (9)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* DrawPFParticle * MultiIntegralCuesPFTracker * PFState2VisualROI
* GetVisualROIParam * PFGenericParticleFilter * VisualTargetManager
* MeanShiftTracker * PFPMRandomWalk * VisualTargetPFInterface

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

DrawPFParticle (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)

Draws particle state as a visual ROI in current image.
Inputs IN_IMAGEImageCurrent image to use.
IN_ROIVisualROICurrent particle to draw.
Outputs OUT_IMAGEImageResulting image with particles drawn.
OUT_ROIVisualROICurrent ROI.
PREPROCESS_COMPLETEDintOutput to force preprocessing.
Parameters FRAME_WIDTHintVideo frame width.
FRAME_HEIGHTintVideo frame height.
NUM_CHANNELSintNumber of channels in video frame.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

GetVisualROIParam (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)

Interface to get the member data of a VisualROI.
Inputs IN_ROIVisualROICurrent region of interest.
Outputs CENTER_XIntCenter position (X).
CENTER_YIntCenter position (Y).
HALF_WIDTHIntRegion half width.
HALF_HEIGHTIntRegion half height.
ANGLEIntRegion angle (in degrees).
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

MeanShiftTracker (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)

Mean shift region/object tracker.
Inputs IMAGE_INImageCurrent video frame.
PREPROCESS_COMPLETEDVectorFlags indicating the completion of the features extraction preprocessing stage.
CURRENT_TARGETVisualTargetCurrent target to track.
MS_LOCATIONVectorMean shift vector of location.
Outputs TRACKING_FINISHEDboolFlag indicating that the tracking has completed.
IMAGE_OUTImageCurrent image to process.
CURRENT_TARGETVisualTargetCurrent target being tracked (to compute mean shift location).
TRACKED_TARGETImageTarget updated according to the tracking algorithm.
Parameters FRAME_WIDTHintVideo frame width.
FRAME_HEIGHTintVideo frame height.
NUM_CHANNELSintNumber of channels in video frame.
MAX_NUM_MS_ITERintMaximum number of mean shift iterations.
MS_DIST_EPSILONfloatMinimal distance to consider that the mean shift has found a maximum.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

MultiIntegralCuesPFTracker (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)

Full tracker implementation using different types of integral features.
Inputs INIT_VARIANCEVectorVariance for initialization of each of the particle state.
NOISE_VARIANCEVectorNoise variance for each of the particle state.
IMAGE_INImageCurrent video frame.
DETECTED_ROIVisualROIA region of interest detected as a potential target region.
EDGES_ORI_SUM_IMGVectorReference to edges orientation integral images. While reference is not null, no edges preprocessing will be done.
SHOW_TRACKED_ROIboolFlag indicating to show the current tracked region.
FRAME_BASENAMEstringPath and basename for the frames filename that will be produced as an output.
ACTIVATIONboolNode activation flag.
Outputs IMAGE_OUTImageCurrent image with identified target.
CURRENT_ROIVisualROICurrent region of interest corresponding to the tracked target.
CURRENT_TARGETVisualTargetCurrent target to track.
TARGET_PROBfloatCurrent target likelihood at current tracked position.
ROI_FOR_DETECTIONVisualROICurrent region of interest corresponding to the tracked target. IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not pull ROI_FOR_DETECTION output first since this will result in the output to be not synchoronized with the frames and the tracking process.
FRAME_FILENAMEstringFilename for the current frame to save.
Parameters FRAME_WIDTHintVideo frame width.
FRAME_HEIGHTintVideo frame height.
NUM_CHANNELSintNumber of channels in video frame.
TARGET_MATCH_THRESfloatMinimum confidence to assume a target match.
TARGET_ADAPT_THRESfloatAdaptation treshold for each target cue model.
TARGET_ADAPT_RATEfloatAdaptation rate for each target cue model.
CUE_ADAPT_RATEfloatAdaptation rate for each cue weight.
LIKELIHOOD_SIGMAfloatExponential sigma value to discriminate likelihood.
NUM_HORI_RECTintNumber of horizontal rectangle to use for integral features.
NUM_VERT_RECTintNumber of vertical rectangle to use for integral features.
USE_RECT_DIFFboolFeatures are differences between rectangle regions.
USE_COLOR_BOUNDARYboolFlag indicating to detect a color boundary for a better scale adaptation.
BOUNDARY_DIFF_THRESHfloatMinimum difference between boundary and ROI rectangle mean values.
NUM_ORIENTATIONSintNumber of edge orientations.
MIN_EDGES_STRENGTHfloatThreshold to remove noisy/weak edges.
MAX_EDGES_STRENGTHfloatLimit on the edge strength.
NUM_PARTICLESintNumber of particles (samples) to use.
PARTICLE_STATE_SIZEintParticle state size.
COLOR_CUE_WEIGHTfloatColor features weight.
EDGES_CUE_WEIGHTfloatColor features weight.
LBP_CUE_WEIGHTfloatColor features weight.
REDETECTION_FREQUENCYintFrequency of application of redetection of current tracked region (in number of frames).

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

PFGenericParticleFilter (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)

Generic implementation of a particle filter.
Inputs INIT_VARIANCEVectorVariance for initialization of each of the particle state.
REFERENCE_MEAN_STATEPFGenericParticleCurrent reference mean state to track.
PREDICT_COMPLETEDboolFlag indicating the success of the prediction.
PARTICLE_LIKELIHOODfloatResulting measurement likelihood for current particle.
Outputs FILTERING_FINISHEDboolFlag indicating that the tracking has completed.
CURRENT_PARTICLEPFGenericParticleCurrent particle (sample) to apply prediction model.
TRACKED_MEAN_STATEPFGenericParticleResulting mean state after particle filtering.
Parameters NUM_PARTICLESintNumber of particles (samples) to use.
PARTICLE_STATE_SIZEintParticle state size.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

PFPMRandomWalk (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)

Random walk prediction model for particle filters.
Inputs NOISE_VARIANCEVectorNoise variance for each of the particle state.
CURRENT_PARTICLEPFGenericParticleCurrent particle (sample) to apply prediction model.
Outputs PREDICT_COMPLETEDboolFlag indicating the success of the prediction.
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

PFState2VisualROI (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)

Conversion from a particle filter sample (dynamic state) to a VisualROI object.
Inputs IN_PARTICLEPFGenericParticleCurrent ROI to convert.
Outputs OUT_ROIVisualROIResulting particle with appropriate state.
Parameters USE_SCALEboolFlag indicating to use the ROI scale (width and height) in the particle's state.
USE_ROTATION_ANGLEboolFlag indicating to use the ROI rotation angle in the particle's state.
ROI_REGION_TYPEintGeometric type for the ROI region (refer to enum e_VISUALROI_type in VisualROI.h).

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

VisualTargetManager (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)

Target manager to handle target initialization, adaptation and deletion.
Inputs IMAGE_INImageCurrent video frame.
PREPROCESS_COMPLETEDVectorFlags indicating the completion of the features extraction preprocessing stage.
DETECTED_ROIVisualROIA region of interest detected as a potential target region.
FEATURES_VECTORVector *>Features descriptors vector (probably requested to adapt or init a target)
TRACKED_TARGETVisualTargetAn updated target by a tracking routine.
Outputs IMAGE_OUTImageCurrent image with identified target.
CURRENT_ROIVisualROICurrent region of interest to extract features.
CURRENT_TARGETVisualTargetCurrent target to track.
TARGET_PROBdoubleCurrent target likelihood at current tracked position.
TARGET_DELTA_XfloatCurrent target position relative to the image x center.
TARGET_DELTA_YfloatCurrent target position relative to the image y center.
FRAME_NAMEstringCurrent frame name for saving purposes.
Parameters FRAME_WIDTHintVideo frame width.
FRAME_HEIGHTintVideo frame height.
NUM_CHANNELSintNumber of channels in video frame.
MAX_NUM_TARGETintMaximum number of target to keep track of.
TARGET_MATCH_THRESfloatMinimum confidence to assume a target match.
TARGET_ADAPT_THRESfloatAdaptation treshold for each target cue model.
TARGET_ADAPT_RATEfloatAdaptation rate for each target cue model.
CUE_ADAPT_RATEfloatAdaptation rate for each cue weight.
LIKELIHOOD_SIGMAfloatExponential sigma value to discriminate likelihood.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

VisualTargetPFInterface (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)

Interface for tracking a VisualTarget using a particle filter framework.
Inputs IN_TARGETVisualTargetCurrent VisualTarget to convert.
IN_FEATURES_VECTORVector *>Features descriptors vector (to compute a particle likelihood).
IN_MEAN_STATEPFGenericParticleMean state particle resulting from partcile filter tracking.
PREPROCESS_COMPLETEDVectorFlags indicating the completion of the features extraction preprocessing stage.
FILTERING_FINISHEDboolFlags indicating the completion of the particle filtering stage.
Outputs OUT_PARTICLEPFGenericParticleResulting particle with appropriate state.
OUT_LIKELIHOODfloatCurrent particle likelihood.
OUT_TARGETVisualTargetResulting tracked target.
TRACKING_FINISHEDboolFlag indicating that the tracking has completed.
Parameters USE_SCALEboolFlag indicating to use the ROI scale (width and height) in the particle's state.
USE_ROTATION_ANGLEboolFlag indicating to use the ROI rotation angle in the particle's state.
LIKELIHOOD_SIGMAfloatExponential sigma value to discriminate likelihood.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV (1)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* TextSignDetect

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

TextSignDetect (RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV)

Determine the contours in the input image.
Inputs IN_IMAGEImageCurrent color frame to process.
IN_TRACKED_ROIVisualROIRegion of interest currently tracked.
ACTIVATIONboolprocessing activation flag
Outputs TEXT_ROI_IMGImageImage with potential text region of interest drawn.
OUT_ROIVisualROIRegion of interest corresponding to largest region of text.
EDGES_ORI_SUM_IMGVectorReference to edges orientation integral images.
Parameters FRAME_WIDTHintVideo frame width.
FRAME_HEIGHTintVideo frame height.
NUM_CHANNELSintVideo frame number of channels.
NUM_ORIENTATIONSintNumber of bins for the local edge histogram.
EDGES_STRENGTH_THRESHOLDfloatThreshold to remove noisy/weak edges.
TEXT_ROI_MIN_WIDTHintMinimal width of a potential region of interest to consider it as text.
TEXT_ROI_MIN_HEIGHTintMinimal height of a potential region of interest to consider it as text.
TEXT_ROI_MAX_WIDTHintMaximal width of a potential region of interest to consider it as text.
TEXT_ROI_MAX_HEIGHTintMaximal height of a potential region of interest to consider it as text.
MAX_STD_ORIENTATION_BINSfloatMaximal standard deviation of the local edge orientation histogram bins heightEdges orientation histogram of a potential region of interest to consider it as text.
MAX_NUM_TEXT_ROIintMaximum number of text region of interest to use.
MAX_STDfloatLow threshold used for edge searching.
MIN_DISTfloatHigh threshold used for edge searching.
HORIZONTAL_SYMMETRY_THRESHOLDfloatHorizontal edge orientation symmetry treshold. Text region should have lower values than threshold.
VERTICAL_SYMMETRY_THRESHOLDfloatVertical edge orientation symmetry treshold. Text region should have lower values than threshold.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction (4)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* ColorHistExtraction * IntegralEdgesOriExtraction
* IntegralColorExtraction * IntegralLBPExtraction

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:Detection

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

ColorHistExtraction (RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction)

Color histogram features extraction.
Inputs IN_IMAGEImageCurrent frame to process.
NUM_BINSVectorNumber of bins for each dimension of the histogram.
CURRENT_ROIVisualROIThe current region of interest.
CURRENT_TARGETVisualTargetThe current target to estimate the mean shif location.
TARGET_DESC_IDXintThe corresponding descriptor index in the current target descriptors vector.
PREPROCESS_FRAMEboolFlag indicating to preprocess a new image.
Outputs OUT_FEATURESVector *>Output features descriptor.
OUT_MS_LOCATIONVectorMean shift vector of location.
PREPROCESS_COMPLETEDintOutput to force preprocessing.
Parameters FRAME_WIDTHintVideo frame width.
FRAME_HEIGHTintVideo frame height.
NUM_CHANNELSintNumber of channels in video frame.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:Detection

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

IntegralColorExtraction (RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction)

Integral color features extraction.
Inputs IN_IMAGEImageCurrent frame to process.
CURRENT_ROIVisualROIThe current region of interest.
PREPROCESS_FRAMEboolFlag indicating to preprocess a new image.
Outputs OUT_FEATURESVector *>Output features descriptor.
PREPROCESS_COMPLETEDintOutput to force preprocessing.
Parameters FRAME_WIDTHintVideo frame width.
FRAME_HEIGHTintVideo frame height.
NUM_CHANNELSintNumber of channels in video frame.
NUM_HORI_RECTintNumber of horizontal rectangle to use for integral features.
NUM_VERT_RECTintNumber of vertical rectangle to use for integral features.
USE_RECT_DIFFboolFeatures are differences between rectangle regions.
USE_BOUNDARY_DIFFboolFlag indicating to detect a color boundary for a better scale adaptation.
BOUNDARY_DIFF_THRESHfloatMinimum difference between boundary and ROI rectangle mean values.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:Detection

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

IntegralEdgesOriExtraction (RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction)

Integral edges orientation features extraction.
Inputs IN_IMAGEImageCurrent frame to process.
CURRENT_ROIVisualROIThe current region of interest.
PREPROCESS_FRAMEboolFlag indicating to preprocess a new image.
Outputs OUT_FEATURESVector *>Output features descriptor.
PREPROCESS_COMPLETEDintOutput to force preprocessing.
Parameters FRAME_WIDTHintVideo frame width.
FRAME_HEIGHTintVideo frame height.
NUM_CHANNELSintNumber of channels in video frame.
NUM_ORIENTATIONSintNumber of edge orientations.
NUM_CHANNELSintNumber of channels in video frame.
NUM_HORI_RECTintNumber of horizontal rectangle to use for integral features.
NUM_VERT_RECTintNumber of vertical rectangle to use for integral features.
MIN_EDGES_STRENGTHfloatThreshold to remove noisy/weak edges.
MAX_EDGES_STRENGTHfloatLimit on the edge strength.
USE_RECT_DIFFboolFeatures are differences between rectangle regions.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:Detection

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

IntegralLBPExtraction (RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction)

Integral LBP (Local Binary Pattern) features extraction.
Inputs IN_IMAGEImageCurrent frame to process.
CURRENT_ROIVisualROIThe current region of interest.
PREPROCESS_FRAMEboolFlag indicating to preprocess a new image.
Outputs OUT_FEATURESVector *>Output features descriptor.
PREPROCESS_COMPLETEDintOutput to force preprocessing.
Parameters FRAME_WIDTHintVideo frame width.
FRAME_HEIGHTintVideo frame height.
NUM_CHANNELSintNumber of channels in video frame.
NUM_HORI_RECTintNumber of horizontal rectangle to use for integral features.
NUM_VERT_RECTintNumber of vertical rectangle to use for integral features.
NUM_SAMPLESintNumber of samples in the circle in order to compute the LBP.
PREDICATEintRadius of the sample circle.
DO_INTERPOLATION_FLAGboolFlag to use bilinear interpolation for sub-pixel samples.
UNIFORM_PATTERNS_ONLYboolUse only rotation invariant uniform (riu2) patterns. (A false value will require an immense amount of memory!)
PATTERN_INIT_ANGLEintStarting angle for the pattern. Used only by the general LBP routine.
USE_RECT_DIFFboolFeatures are differences between rectangle regions.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:Detection

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:Vision:Detection (3)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* CvFaceDetection * SkinColorGMMSegm * SkinColorHistSegm

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

CvFaceDetection (RobotFlow:Vision:Detection)

Haar cascade classifier applied to face recognition using OpenCV.
Inputs IN_IMAGEImageCurrent grayscale frame to process.
IN_SKIN_MASKImageCurrent skin color segmentation result.
IN_TRACKED_ROIVisualROIRegion of interest currently tracked.
ACTIVATIONboolNode activation flag.
Outputs OUT_ROIVisualROIRegion of interest corresponding to current model.
Parameters FRAME_WIDTHintVideo frame width.
FRAME_HEIGHTintVideo frame height.
MAX_NUM_SKIN_REGIONSintMaximum number of skin regions to search for faces in a frame.
MIN_SKIN_ROI_WIDTHintMinimum width of a skin region to consider for face detection.
MIN_SKIN_ROI_HEIGHTintMinimum height of a skin region to consider for face detection.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Detection

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SkinColorGMMSegm (RobotFlow:Vision:Detection)

Skin segmentation based on gaussian mixture models in the r-b color space.
Inputs IN_IMAGEImageCurrent color frame to process.
ACTIVATIONboolNode activation flag.
Outputs SEGMENTED_IMAGEImageSegmented image output.
Parameters FRAME_WIDTHintWidth of video frames.
FRAME_HEIGHTintHeight of video frames.
SKIN_GMM_FILENAMEstringFilename (including path) of the skin GMM model file.
SKIN_SCORE_THRESHOLDfloatThreshold for skin model score to consider a pixel as skin.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Detection

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SkinColorHistSegm (RobotFlow:Vision:Detection)

Skin segmentation based on bayesian classification using color histogram models.
Inputs IN_IMAGEImageCurrent color frame to process.
ACTIVATIONboolNode activation flag.
Outputs PROB_MAP_IMAGEImageSkin probability map image output.
SEGMENTED_IMAGEImageSegmented image output.
Parameters FRAME_WIDTHintWidth of video frames.
FRAME_HEIGHTintHeight of video frames.
MODELS_PATHstringPath where the files nonSkinHistogram.txt and SkinNonSkinHistogram.txt are present.
SKIN_PROBABILITY_PRIORfloatPrior skin probability to consider a pixel as skin.
SKIN_PROBABILITY_THRESHOLDfloatThreshold for skin probability to consider a pixel as skin.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Detection

See next category: RobotFlow:Vision

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:Vision (45)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* BMPLoad * ImageOr * RGBMerge
* BMPSave * InverseHough * RGBSplit
* Binarize * JPEGLoadMemory * RectAnalyser
* Bt848 * JPEGSave * RectBoundaries
* ColorTracker * LoadImage * Scale
* Components * Magn2EdgeMap * ScalePrint
* ComponentsDraw * Magnitude * SplitImage
* ComponentsViewer * MovementDetector * StatIntensityAnalyser
* ExtractSentence * MultiColorTracker * SubImage
* ExtractSentence_v2 * PPMImage * Surround
* FakeImage * Posterize * SymbolCounter
* GrayGaussianBlur * PrintLines * SymbolExtractor
* HoughTransform * RGB152GREY * SymbolLoad
* ImageAnd * RGB242RGB15 * SymbolSegmenter
* ImageCorrellation * RGB5552RGB24 * SymbolTracker

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

BMPLoad (RobotFlow:Vision)

Read a 24-bit Windows bmp image from disk.
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs LoadImageIMAGENo Description Available
Parameters PIXELSIZEintPixel Size of output image (1-grayscale, 2-rgb15, 3-rgb24)
FILENAMEstringName of the file

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

BMPSave (RobotFlow:Vision)

Save an image to disk in bmp format.
Inputs SaveImageIMAGENo Description Available
FILENAMEstringNo Description Available
Outputs SaveStatusintNo Description Available
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Binarize (RobotFlow:Vision)

Converts an image to black and white values
Inputs THRESHOLDfloatThreshold value on a 0-1 scale (Value of intensity above which pixels will be considered black)
IMAGE_INImageImage to convert.
Outputs IMAGE_OUTImageConverted image.
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Bt848 (RobotFlow:Vision)

Interface to the bt848 frame grabber.
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs IMAGEImageThe image from the frame grabber.
Parameters WIDTHintWidth of the image.
BRIGHTNESSintImage brightness
CONTRASTintImage contrast
HEIGHTintHeight of the image.
DEVICEstringThe device name.
CONTINUOUSboolThe device working in continuous mode

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

ColorTracker (RobotFlow:Vision)

No description available
Inputs COLOR_IDintThe color number being tracked.
COMPONENTSComponentsDataThe components from the image.
Outputs DELTA_XfloatThe difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (x).
DELTA_YfloatThe difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (y).
AREAfloatThe Area of the color blob
WIDTHfloatThe width of the color blob
HEIGHTfloatThe height of the color blob
BOUNDARYfloatThe minimum size (in pixel) around the blob in the image.
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Components (RobotFlow:Vision)

No description available
Inputs IMAGEImageThe Image to extract colors from.
LOOKUPColorLookupThe color lookup to use
Outputs BLOBSComponentsDataThe color blobs.
Parameters XGAPintmax X distance between two pixels of the same color blob.
YGAPintmax Y distance between two pixels of the same color blob.
NUM_COLORintNumber of color to extract.
MIN_AREAintminimum area of color blocs

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

ComponentsDraw (RobotFlow:Vision)

No description available
Inputs IMAGEImageOriginal Input Image
DATAComponentsDataExtracted components data
Outputs IMAGEImageRandom Image
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

ComponentsViewer (RobotFlow:Vision)

No description available
Inputs LOOKUPColorLookupColor Lookup Table to display components
DATAComponentsDataExtracted components data
Outputs IMAGEImageRandom Image
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

ExtractSentence (RobotFlow:Vision)

Inputs SYMBOL_LISTVectorData about the extracted symbols
Outputs SENTENCEstringA string corresponding to the sentence read
Parameters VERTICAL_TOLERANCEfloatDetermines how strict the definition of a line is.
HORIZONTAL_TOLERANCEfloatDetermines how wide a space has to be to be considered an end of word.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

ExtractSentence_v2 (RobotFlow:Vision)

Inputs SYMBOL_LISTVectorData about the extracted symbols
Outputs SENTENCEstringA string corresponding to the sentence read
ORIGINAL_TEXTstringOriginal Text one letter at a time.
Parameters MIN_DICT_SCOREfloatMinimum probability [0,1] for dictionary hit
MIN_DIGIT_SCOREfloatMinimum nnet output for digit hit [-1,1]
DICT_ONLYbooltrue = will only extract words from the dict, false will also try to extract digits
VERTICAL_TOLERANCEfloatDetermines how strict the definition of a line is.
HORIZONTAL_TOLERANCEfloatDetermines how wide a space has to be to be considered an end of word.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

FakeImage (RobotFlow:Vision)

No description available
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs IMAGEImageRandom Image
Parameters WIDTHintWidth of the image (in pixels)
HEIGHTintHeight of the image (in pixels)
DEPTHintDepth of the image (in bytes per pixel)

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

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GrayGaussianBlur (RobotFlow:Vision)

Gaussian Blur
Inputs GRAYIMAGEIMAGEGrayscale image
Outputs BLURIMAGEIMAGEBlurred Grayscale image
Parameters SIGMAfloatSigma of Gaussian Blur

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See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

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HoughTransform (RobotFlow:Vision)

Apply a hough transform on image
Inputs MAGNITUDEMAPIMAGEMagnitude Map - Grayscale Image
AngleintCenter angle we want to process. Range 0 to 360
AbsAnglePrecisionintAbsolute Angle "width" - if we want 175 to 185 degree, Angle=180, AAP=5. Range 1 to 90
Outputs TransformIMAGEHough Transform Map
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

ImageAnd (RobotFlow:Vision)

OR operation between two images
Inputs GRAYIMAGE1IMAGEGrayscale image 1
GRAYIMAGE2IMAGEGrayscale image 2
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

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ImageCorrellation (RobotFlow:Vision)

Extract a region of an image.
Inputs IMAGEImageThe original (not modified) image GREYSCALE
IMAGE_TEMPLATEImageThe template to match in the image GREYSCALE
Outputs DELTA_Xfloatdelta_x from the center of the image, where the template matches most
DELTA_Yfloatdelta_y from the center of the image, where the template matches most
SCOREfloatthe minimum score for a delta_x delta_y position.
Parameters GRID_SPACINGintthe spacing between pixels

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

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ImageOr (RobotFlow:Vision)

OR operation between two images
Inputs GRAYIMAGE1IMAGEGrayscale image 1
GRAYIMAGE2IMAGEGrayscale image 2
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

InverseHough (RobotFlow:Vision)

Reverts a hough transform
Inputs AbsAnglePrecisionintAbsolute Angle "width" - if we want 175 to 185 degree, Angle=180, AAP=5. Range 1 to 90
AngleintCenter angle we want to process. Range 0 to 360
TransformIMAGEHough-transform image, filtered with Magnitude + Magn2EdgeMap
Outputs LinesLINEARRAYStraight Lines
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

JPEGLoadMemory (RobotFlow:Vision)

Save a JPEG image
Inputs INPUT_DATAstringInput image in memory (JPEG format)
Outputs IMAGEImageThe output image created from data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

JPEGSave (RobotFlow:Vision)

Save a JPEG image
Inputs INPUTImageInput image to be saved
SAVE_FILENAMEstringfile name to save probe content (JPEG)
Outputs IMAGEImageThe same as the input image
JPEG_DATAstringRaw (binary) JPEG data.
Parameters QUALITYintstring to indicate the quality of the compression, [0 to 100] (

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

LoadImage (RobotFlow:Vision)

Read image from disk from a gdk-pixbuf supported format
Inputs FILENAMEstringthe file to load
Outputs IMAGEImageoutput image from file
Parameters PIXELSIZEintPixel Size of output image (1-grayscale, 2-rgb15, 3-rgb24)

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Magn2EdgeMap (RobotFlow:Vision)

Transform magnitude map to an edge map
Inputs MAGNITUDEMAPIMAGEMagnitudeMap - Grayscale Image
Parameters THRESHOLDintthreshold (

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Magnitude (RobotFlow:Vision)

Inputs GRAYIMAGEIMAGEGrayscale image
Outputs MAGNITUDEIMAGEMagnitude image map
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

MovementDetector (RobotFlow:Vision)

No description available
Inputs IMAGE_INImageThe image from the frame grabber (greyscale).
Outputs MOVEMENT_IMAGEImageThe image containing movement position (white) and no movement (black)
Parameters DELTA_INTENSITYintThe width of the image.
HISTORY_SIZEintThe history size to find movement (30 images = 1 sec at 30FPS)

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

MultiColorTracker (RobotFlow:Vision)

Tracks N blobs of the color COLOR_ID.
Inputs COLOR_IDintThe color number being tracked.
COMPONENTSComponentsDataThe components from the image.
Outputs DELTA_XVectorThe difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (x).
DELTA_YVectorThe difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (y).
AREAVectorThe Area of the color blob
WIDTHVectorThe width of the color blob
HEIGHTVectorThe height of the color blob
BOUNDARYVectorThe minimum size (in pixel) around the blob in the image.
NB_BLOBSintnumber of color blobs processed
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

PPMImage (RobotFlow:Vision)

Read a ppm image from disk.
Inputs FILENAMEstringThe file containing the PPM image.
Outputs IMAGEImageImage read from disk (PPM)
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Posterize (RobotFlow:Vision)

Converts an image to solid color values
Inputs IMAGE_INImageImage to convert.
Outputs IMAGE_OUTImageConverted image.
Parameters THRESHOLDfloatThreshold value on a 0-1 scale (Value of intensity above which pixels will be considered as colored)

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

PrintLines (RobotFlow:Vision)

Transform a LineArray into an image, for debugging
Inputs LinesLINEARRAYLines
Outputs LinesImageIMAGEImage or Lines - Grayscale
Parameters WIDTHintImage Width
HEIGHTintImage Height
LINECOLORintColor for lines (0..255)
BGCOLORintColor of background (0..255)

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

RGB152GREY (RobotFlow:Vision)

Simple RGB152GREY conversion from RGB15 color format to greyscale format.
Inputs RGBIMAGEImageRGB15 image
Outputs GREYIMAGEImageGreyscale image
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

RGB242RGB15 (RobotFlow:Vision)

Simple conversion from RGB24 color format to RGB15 (0RRRRRGGGGGBBBBB) color format.
Inputs RGB24_IMAGEImageRGB24 format image
Outputs RGB15_IMAGEImageRGB15 format image
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

RGB5552RGB24 (RobotFlow:Vision)

Simple conversion from RGB555 color format to RGB24 color format.
Inputs RGB555IMAGEImageRGB555 image
Outputs RGB24IMAGEIMAGERGB24 image
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

RGBMerge (RobotFlow:Vision)

Merge red green and blue color channels to form a color image.
Inputs REDImageRed color channel
GREENImageGreen color channel
BLUEImageBlue color channel
Outputs IMAGEImageRGB15 color image
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

RGBSplit (RobotFlow:Vision)

Simple Red, Green, Blue channel extraction from RGB15 color format.
Inputs IMAGEImageRGB15 image
Outputs REDImageRed image channel (0-255)
GREENImageGreen image channel (0-255)
BLUEImageBlue image channel (0-255)
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

RectAnalyser (RobotFlow:Vision)

Extracts information about a CRect.
Inputs CRECTCRectBlob bounding box (CRect)
Outputs HEIGHTintHeight of the blob (in pixels)
WIDTHintWidth of the blob (in pixels)
AREAintArea of the blob contained in the rect
X_RELATIVE_CENTER_OF_GRAVITYintNumber of pixels between the left boundary of the blob and its center of gravity
Y_RELATIVE_CENTER_OF_GRAVITYintNumber of pixels between the top of the blob and its center of gravity
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

RectBoundaries (RobotFlow:Vision)

Returns information about the CRect corner points
Inputs CRECTCRectBlob bounding box (CRect)
Outputs OUTPUTVectorCRect corners position: x,y of upper-left corner followed by x,y of lower-right corner.
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Scale (RobotFlow:Vision)

Simple Scale controller.
Inputs CRECTCRectBlob bounding box (CRect)
Outputs OUTPUTVectorScaled CRect -1=background +1=foreground
Parameters WIDTHintWIDTH of the scaled CRECT
HEIGHTintHEIGHT of the scaled CRECT
DEBUGintprints scaled character

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

ScalePrint (RobotFlow:Vision)

Simple Scaled Vector Printer.
Inputs INPUTVectorVector representing the scaled character
Outputs OUTPUTVectorSame vector as input
Parameters WIDTHintWIDTH of the scaled character
HEIGHTintHEIGHT of the scaled character

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SplitImage (RobotFlow:Vision)

Split image in four parts
Inputs GRAYIMAGEIMAGEGrayscale image
Outputs IMAGETLIMAGETopLeft part
IMAGEBRIMAGEBottomRight part
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

StatIntensityAnalyser (RobotFlow:Vision)

Extracts statistical information about the intensity of an image
Inputs IMAGE_INImageImage to analyse.
Outputs MAX_INTENSITYfloatMaximum intensity of analysed sample on a 0-1 scale
MIN_INTENSITYfloatMinimum intensity of analysed sample on a 0-1 scale
AVG_INTENSITYfloatAverage intensity
STD_INTENSITYfloatIntensity standard deviation
Parameters FRACTION_ANALYSEDfloatFraction of pixels to analyse (on a 0-1 scale)

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SubImage (RobotFlow:Vision)

Extract a region of an image.
Inputs IMAGEImageThe original (not modified)
X1intupper left corner (x)
Y1intupper left corner (y)
X2intlower right corner (x)
Y2intlower right corner (y)
Outputs IMAGEImagePart of the image taken from the original image
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Surround (RobotFlow:Vision)

Converts an image to black and white values
Inputs IMAGE_INImageImage to convert.
Outputs IMAGE_OUTImageConverted image.
Parameters SPACINGintnumber of bordering pixels (white)

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SymbolCounter (RobotFlow:Vision)

Counts the number of symbols of a given channel in an image.
Inputs DATAComponentsDataExtracted components data
Outputs COUNTintThe number of symbols in the image
Parameters CHANNELintChannel from which to extract the symbol
DEPTHintDepth of the image (in bytes per pixel)

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SymbolExtractor (RobotFlow:Vision)

No description available
Inputs DATAComponentsDataExtracted components data
INDEXintIndex of the symbol to extract
Outputs SYMBOLCRectCRect describing the symbol extracted from given channel
Parameters CHANNELintChannel from which to extract the symbol

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SymbolLoad (RobotFlow:Vision)

Simple SymbolLoad controller.
Inputs STREAMstreaminput stream
Outputs CRECTCRectCRect read from disk
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SymbolSegmenter (RobotFlow:Vision)

No description available
Inputs IMAGEImageOriginal unprocessed image
SYMBOLCRectSymbol to segment
Outputs SYMBOL_COUNTintNumber of symbols after segmentation
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SymbolTracker (RobotFlow:Vision)

No description available
Inputs COMPONENTSComponentsDataThe components from the image.
Outputs DELTA_XfloatThe difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (x).
DELTA_YfloatThe difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (y).
AREAfloatThe Area of the color blob
WIDTHfloatThe width of the color blob
HEIGHTfloatThe height of the color blob
CRECTCRectThe rectangle.
BOUNDARYfloatThe minimum size (in pixel) around the blob in the image.
Parameters FOREGROUND_COLOR_IDintThe color number being tracked.
BACKGROUND_COLOR_IDintThe color number being tracked.

Return to: RobotFlow:Vision

See next category: RobotFlow:Robots

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:Robots (3)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotConnect * RobotPTZ * RobotSonars

See next category: RobotFlow:Probes

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

RobotConnect (RobotFlow:Robots)

No description available
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs Pioneer2ConnectanyNo description available
PlayerConnectanyNo description available
Parameters Enable_Pioneer2boolNo description available
Pioneer2_MotorEnableboolNo description available
Pioneer2_SonarEnableboolNo description available
Pioneer2_SerialPortstringNo description available
Enable_PlayerboolNo description available
Player_HoststringNo description available
Player_FrequencyintNo description available
Player_PortintNo description available
Player_PositionProxyboolNo description available
Player_GripperProxyboolNo description available
Player_LaserProxyboolNo description available
Player_PTZProxyboolNo description available
Player_SonarProxyboolNo description available
Player_BlobFinderProxyboolNo description available
Player_GPSProxyboolNo description available

Return to: RobotFlow:Robots

See next category: RobotFlow:Probes

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

RobotPTZ (RobotFlow:Robots)

No description available
Inputs PIONEER2_CLIENTanyNo description available
PLAYER_CLIENTanyNo description available
ABS_PANanyNo description available
ABS_TILTanyNo description available
REL_PANanyNo description available
REL_TILTanyNo description available
ZOOManyNo description available
Outputs CURRENT_PANanyNo description available
CURRENT_TILTanyNo description available
CURRENT_ZOOManyNo description available
Parameters EVID30_PAN_SPEEDintNo description available
EVID30_TILT_SPEEDintNo description available
EVID30_SERIAL_PORTstringNo description available

Return to: RobotFlow:Robots

See next category: RobotFlow:Probes

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

RobotSonars (RobotFlow:Robots)

No description available
Inputs Pioneer2SonarsanyNo description available
PlayerSonarsanyNo description available
Outputs SONAR_00anyNo description available
SONAR_01anyNo description available
SONAR_02anyNo description available
SONAR_03anyNo description available
SONAR_04anyNo description available
SONAR_05anyNo description available
SONAR_06anyNo description available
SONAR_07anyNo description available
SONAR_08anyNo description available
SONAR_09anyNo description available
SONAR_10anyNo description available
SONAR_11anyNo description available
SONAR_12anyNo description available
SONAR_13anyNo description available
SONAR_14anyNo description available
SONAR_15anyNo description available
ALL_SONARSanyNo description available
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Robots

See next category: RobotFlow:Probes

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:Probes (10)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* CheckBoxPanel * LaserProbe * VirtualJoystick
* ColorTrain * PTZControl * VisualROISelection
* ImageProbe * SkinColorGMMTrain
* ImageProbeSDL * SymbolKeypad

See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

CheckBoxPanel (RobotFlow:Probes)

Display vertical checkboxes and output the state
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs OUTPUTVectorThe state of the checkboxes
Parameters CHECKBOXESstringCheckboxes labels separated by ":". Default value can be specified by adding ;true ;false at the end.

Return to: RobotFlow:Probes

See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

ColorTrain (RobotFlow:Probes)

No description available
Inputs INPUTanyNo description available
Outputs OUTPUTanyNo description available
LOOKUPColorLookupThe color lookup beeing trained
SAVE_FLAGboolThe save flag to save the lookup table
COLOR_IDintThe color id selected
Parameters LOAD_LOOKUPstringLoad this lookup before starting to train.
HEIGHTintThe height of the image
WIDTHintThe width of the image
BREAK_ATintNo description available
SHOWboolNo description available
SKIPintNo description available
H_DELTAfloatThe H_DELTA allowed when training a color (degrees)
S_DELTAfloatThe S_DELTA allowed when training a color [0-1]
V_DELTAfloatThe V_DELTA allowed when training a color [0-1]
HSV_TRAININGboolTrain the table using the HSV model

Return to: RobotFlow:Probes

See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

ImageProbe (RobotFlow:Probes)

No description available
Inputs INPUTanyNo description available
SAVE_FILENAMEstringfile name to save probe content (JPEG)
Outputs OUTPUTanyNo description available
Parameters HEIGHTintThe height of the image
WIDTHintThe width of the image
BREAK_ATintNo description available
SHOWboolNo description available
SKIPintNo description available

Return to: RobotFlow:Probes

See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

ImageProbeSDL (RobotFlow:Probes)

No description available
Inputs INPUTanyNo description available
Outputs OUTPUTanyNo description available
Parameters HEIGHTintThe height of the image
WIDTHintThe width of the image

Return to: RobotFlow:Probes

See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

LaserProbe (RobotFlow:Probes)

Display the data from a laser
Inputs INPUTVectorThe range values from the laser beam. (mm)
Outputs OUTPUTanyNo description available
Parameters BREAK_ATanyNo description available
SHOWanyNo description available
SKIPanyNo description available

Return to: RobotFlow:Probes

See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

PTZControl (RobotFlow:Probes)

No description available
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs REL_PANint relative pan command
REL_TILTint relative tilt command
REL_ZOOMint relative zoom command
ABS_PANint absolute pan command
ABS_TILTint absolute tilt command
ABS_ZOOMint absolute zoom command
Parameters MIN_ZOOM_SLIDER_VALintThe command to send when in "WIDE" mode
MAX_ZOOM_SLIDER_VALintThe command to send when in "TELE" mode

Return to: RobotFlow:Probes

See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SkinColorGMMTrain (RobotFlow:Probes)

Manual selection of skin and non skin regions to adapt existing skin color models.
Inputs IN_IMAGEImageCurrent frame
Outputs SEGMENTED_IMAGEImageThe skin mask image.
Parameters WIDTHintThe width of the video frame
HEIGHTintThe height of the video frame
NUM_CHANNELSintNumber of channels of the video frame.
OUT_MODEL_FILENAMEstringFilename for the models to be saved.
NUM_SKIN_GAUSSIANSintNumber of gaussians to use in the skin mixture model.
MEAN_SKIN_LOG_LIKELIHOOD_THRESHOLDfloatMean log likelihood threshold to consider a pixel as skin.
SKIN_LOG_LIKELIHOOD_THRESHOLD_INCfloatIncrement for the mean log likelihood threshold. This is to test multiple thresholds.

Return to: RobotFlow:Probes

See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SymbolKeypad (RobotFlow:Probes)

Probe used to train the neural networks. The user will enter the proper symbol displayed.
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs KEYPAD_IDintThe Id of the key that is pressed
KEYPAD_NAMECharThe Char description of the key that is pressed
ACTIVATEDboolTrue if the user is pressing a button, else false.
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Probes

See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

VirtualJoystick (RobotFlow:Probes)

Virtual joystick with 2 standard buttons and 2 toggle buttons
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs OUTPUTVectorx, y, button1, button2 of the joystick
Parameters BUTTONS_VISIBLEboolTrue if you want to use buttons.

Return to: RobotFlow:Probes

See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

VisualROISelection (RobotFlow:Probes)

Region of interest selection interface
Inputs IN_IMAGEImageCurrent frame
Outputs OUT_ROIVisualROIThe user defined region of interest
Parameters WIDTHintThe width of the video frame
HEIGHTintThe height of the video frame
NUM_CHANNELSintNumber of channels of the video frame.
ROI_REGION_TYPEintGeometric type for the ROI region (refer to enum e_VISUALROI_type in VisualROI.h).

Return to: RobotFlow:Probes

See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:Pioneer2 (11)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* Pioneer2Connect * Pioneer2SIP * Pioneer2VelocityOut
* Pioneer2Gripper * Pioneer2SIPExtract * Pioneer2Voltage
* Pioneer2GripperState * Pioneer2Sonars * Pioneer2xyPos
* Pioneer2RotationIn * Pioneer2VelocityIn

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Pioneer2Connect (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)

Connect to the P2OS on Pioneer2, via serial port
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs CONNECTEDboolReturn TRUE if the robot is connected on P2OS, FALSE otherwise.
Parameters MotorEnableboolEnable motor on startup if TRUE, otherwise the motor must be enable manually (white button on Pioneer2
FrontSonarEnableboolEnable front sonars on startup if TRUE, otherwise the sonar are not activated.
RearSonarEnableboolEnable rear sonars on startup if TRUE, otherwise the sonar are not activated.
SERIAL_PORTstringSerial port for P2OS comm.

Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Pioneer2Gripper (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)

No description available
Inputs CONNECTEDboolNo description available
GRIPPERintNo description available
GRIPPER_VALintNo description available
Outputs CONNECTEDboolNo description available
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Pioneer2GripperState (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)

Gets gripper state from 'SIP' field 'TIMER' and packs resulting boolean values in an object.
Inputs SIP_TIMERany'Timer' element of the SIP. Gripper state is available in the MSByte of that element.
Outputs StateTP2GripperStateObject containing gripper state.
LIFT_FULLY_UP_OR_DOWNboolNo Description Available
LIFT_MOVINGboolNo Description Available
PADDLES_COMPLETELY_OPENEDboolNo Description Available
PADDLES_MOVINGboolNo Description Available
RIGHT_PADDLE_PUSHEDboolNo Description Available
LEFT_PADDLE_PUSHEDboolNo Description Available
INNER_BREAKBEAM_CUTboolNo Description Available
OUTER_BREAKBEAM_CUTboolNo Description Available
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Pioneer2RotationIn (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)

No description available
Inputs CONNECTEDanyNo description available
REL_HEADINGanyNo description available
ABS_HEADINGanyNo description available
COLBERT_REL_HEADINGanyNo description available
ROTATION_VELOCITYintNo description available
Outputs CONNECTEDanyNo description available
Parameters ROTATION_ACCELERATIONintRotational acceleration (deg/s2). Default value is for P2DX.
MAX_ROTATION_VELOCITYintMaximum rotational velocity (deg/s). Default value is for P2DX.

Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Pioneer2SIP (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)

No description available
Inputs CONNECTEDboolNo description available
Outputs SIPPioneerDataNo description available
CONNECTEDboolNo description available
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Pioneer2SIPExtract (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)

No description available
Inputs SIPanyNo description available
CONNECTEDboolNo description available
Outputs SIPPioneerDataNo description available
STATUSanyNo description available
XPOSanyNo description available
YPOSanyNo description available
THPOSanyNo description available
LVELanyNo description available
RVELanyNo description available
BATTERYanyNo description available
BUMPERSanyNo description available
CONTROLanyNo description available
PTUanyNo description available
SONARSanyNo description available
TIMERanyNo description available
ANALOGanyNo description available
DIGINanyNo description available
DIGOUTanyNo description available
CONNECTEDboolNo description available
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Pioneer2Sonars (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)

No description available
Inputs IS_CONNECTEDanyNo description available
Outputs SONAR_00anyNo description available
SONAR_01anyNo description available
SONAR_02anyNo description available
SONAR_03anyNo description available
SONAR_04anyNo description available
SONAR_05anyNo description available
SONAR_06anyNo description available
SONAR_07anyNo description available
SONAR_08anyNo description available
SONAR_09anyNo description available
SONAR_10anyNo description available
SONAR_11anyNo description available
SONAR_12anyNo description available
SONAR_13anyNo description available
SONAR_14anyNo description available
SONAR_15anyNo description available
ALL_SONARSanyAll sonar readings
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Pioneer2VelocityIn (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)

No description available
Inputs VELOCITY_INanyNo description available
IS_CONNECTEDanyNo description available
Outputs CONNECTEDanyNo description available
Parameters MAX_TRANS_VELintNo description available
MAX_TRANS_ACCintNo description available

Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Pioneer2VelocityOut (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)

No description available
Inputs IS_CONNECTEDanyNo description available
Outputs L_VELOCITYanyNo description available
R_VELOCITYanyNo description available
X_POSanyNo description available
Y_POSanyNo description available
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Pioneer2Voltage (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)

Voltage sensor from the robot.
Inputs IS_CONNECTEDboolIf we are connected to the robot.
Outputs VoltagefloatVoltage from batteries.
LowVoltageboolLow voltage trigger.
ANALOGfloatAnalog value from robot pins.
DiginintDigital inputs (IR sensors)
Parameters LowVoltageTriggerfloatLow voltage trigger (on).
LowVoltageResetfloatLow voltage trigger (off).

Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Pioneer2xyPos (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)

No description available
Inputs IS_CONNECTEDanyNo description available
Outputs xPosanyNo description available
yPosanyNo description available
thPosanyNo description available
Parameters RESET_DISTanyNo description available

Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST (2)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* extractMarieRequestSystem * newMarieRequestSystem

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:LOGIC

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

extractMarieRequestSystem (RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST)

Extract MARIE request system information
Inputs REQUEST_SYSTEMMarieObjectinput MarieObject object containing a RequestSystem
Outputs COMMANDstringCommand stored in the Request System
DATAstringData stored in the Request System
REQUEST_IDintRequest ID stored in the Request System
STATEstringState stored in the Request System
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:LOGIC

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieRequestSystem (RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a RequestSystem data
Inputs COMMANDstringCommand to include in the request
DATAstringData to include in the request
REQUEST_IDintRequest ID to include in the request
STATEstringState to include in the request
Outputs REQUEST_SYSTEMMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a RequestSystem data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:LOGIC

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:MARIE:LOGIC (1)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* isMarieDataNull

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:IO

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

isMarieDataNull (RobotFlow:MARIE:LOGIC)

Verify if we have a MarieObject containing a DataNull data.
Inputs INPUTanyany Input to verify
Outputs OUTPUTboolTrue if we have a MarieObject containing a DataNull data, else false.
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:LOGIC

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:IO

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:MARIE:IO (3)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* MariePeek * MariePull * MariePush

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

MariePeek (RobotFlow:MARIE:IO)

Peak an object from the stream (non blocking)
Inputs STREAMStreamThe input stream
Outputs OUTPUTanyObject
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:IO

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

MariePull (RobotFlow:MARIE:IO)

Pull an object from the stream (blocking)
Inputs STREAMStreamThe input stream
Outputs OUTPUTanyObject
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:IO

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

MariePush (RobotFlow:MARIE:IO)

Save an object
Inputs INPUTanyObject
STREAMStreamStream to write to
Outputs OUTPUTanySame Object
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:IO

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA (19)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* extractMarieDataBumper * extractMarieDataRaw * newMarieDataMap
* extractMarieDataCamera * extractMarieDataSonar * newMarieDataNull
* extractMarieDataIR * newMarieDataBumper * newMarieDataOdometry
* extractMarieDataLaser * newMarieDataCamera * newMarieDataRaw
* extractMarieDataLocalisation * newMarieDataIR * newMarieDataSonar
* extractMarieDataMap * newMarieDataLaser
* extractMarieDataOdometry * newMarieDataLocalisation

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

extractMarieDataBumper (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs DATA_BUMPERMarieObjectinput MarieObject object containing a DataBumper
Outputs NBBUMPERSint output nb buttons, nilObject if not used
BUMPERSTATEintoutput bumper state, nilObject if not used
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

extractMarieDataCamera (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs DATA_CAMERAMarieObjectinput MarieObject object containing a DataCamera
Outputs PANintPan of the camera
TILTint Tilt of the camera
ZOOMintZoom of the camera
IMAGE_WIDTHintimage width from the camera
IMAGE_HEIGHTint image height from the camera
IMAGE_FORMATstringformat of the image
IMAGEImage the image data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

extractMarieDataIR (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs DATA_IRMarieObjectinput MarieObject object containing a DataIR
Outputs RANGESVectorRange contained in the DataIR object
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

extractMarieDataLaser (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs DATA_LASERMarieObjectinput MarieObject object containing a DataLaser
Outputs RANGESVectorRange contained in the DataLaser object
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

extractMarieDataLocalisation (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs DATA_LOCALISATIONMarieObjectinput MarieObject object containing a DataLocalisation
Outputs SOURCES_INFO_VECTORVectoroutput X
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

extractMarieDataMap (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs DATA_MAPMarieObjectinput MarieObject object containing a DataAssociativeMap
Outputs COMPOSITECompositeTypeComposite object equivalent to MARIE DataAssociativeMap
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

extractMarieDataOdometry (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs DATA_ODOMETRYMarieObjectinput MarieObject object containing a DataOdometry
Outputs XPOSintX axis position
YPOSintY axis position
ZPOSintZ axis position
YAWintYAW angle
ROLLintROLL angle
LINEAR_SPEEDintlinear speed (X-Y)
SIDE_SPEEDinttranslational speed (X-Y)
ROTATION_SPEEDintrotation speed (X-Y)
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

extractMarieDataRaw (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs DATA_RAWMarieObjectinput MarieObject object containing a DataRaw
Outputs OBJREFanyRange contained in the DataRaw object
CUSTOM_IDstringRange contained in the DataRaw object
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

extractMarieDataSonar (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs DATA_SONARMarieObjectinput MarieObject object containing a DataSonar
Outputs RANGESVectorRange contained in the DataSonar object
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieDataBumper (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataBumper data
Inputs NBBUMPERSintinput nb buttons, nilObject if not used
BUMPERSTATEintinput bumper state, nilObject if not used
Outputs DATA_BUMPERMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a DataBumper data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieDataCamera (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataCamera data
Inputs PANintPan of the camera
TILTintTilt of the camera
ZOOMintZoom of the camera
IMAGE_WIDTHintimage width from the camera
IMAGE_HEIGHTintimage height from the camera
IMAGE_FORMATstringformat of the image
IMAGEImagethe image data
Outputs DATA_CAMERAMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a DataCamera data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieDataIR (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataIR data
Inputs RANGESVectorRange to be transformed into a MarieDataIR object
Outputs DATA_IRMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a DataIR data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieDataLaser (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataLaser data
Inputs RANGESVectorRange to be transformed into a DataLaser object
Outputs DATA_LASERMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a DataLaser data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieDataLocalisation (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataLocalisation data
Inputs SOURCES_INFO_VECTORVectorinput X, nilObject if not used
Outputs DATA_LOCALISATIONMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a DataLocalisation data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieDataMap (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataAssociativeMap data
Inputs COMPOSITECompositeTypeComposite Type Object (Map)
Outputs DATA_MAPMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a DataAssociativeMap data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieDataNull (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataNull data
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs DATA_NULLMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a DataNull data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieDataOdometry (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataOdometry data
Inputs XPOSfloatX axis position
YPOSfloatY axis position
ZPOSfloatZ axis position
YAWfloatYAW angle
PITCHfloatPITCH angle
ROLLfloatROLL angle
LINEAR_SPEEDfloatlinear speed (X-Y)
SIDE_SPEEDfloattranslational speed (X-Y)
ROTATION_SPEEDfloatrotation speed (X-Y)
Outputs DATA_ODOMETRYMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a DataOdometry data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieDataRaw (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataRaw data
Inputs OBJREFObjectRefMarieDataRaw object
CUSTOM_IDStringMarieDataRaw object
Outputs DATA_RAWMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a DataRaw data
Parameters PRETTY_PRINTboolPretty print variables (remove FD tags)

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieDataSonar (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataSonar data
Inputs RANGESVectorRange to be transformed into a DataSonar object
Outputs DATA_SONARMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a DataSonar data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA

See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND (8)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* extractMarieCommandBehavior * extractMarieCommandMotor * newMarieCommandJoystick
* extractMarieCommandCamera * newMarieCommandBehavior * newMarieCommandMotor
* extractMarieCommandJoystick * newMarieCommandCamera

See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

extractMarieCommandBehavior (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)

Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs COMMAND_BEHAVIORMarieObjectThe MarieObject object containing a CommandBehavior
Outputs ACTIVATIONSCompositeTypeComposite
PARAMSCompositeTypeComposite (parameters in string format seperated by space)
RESULTSCompositeTypeComposite (results in string format seperated by space)
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

extractMarieCommandCamera (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)

Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs COMMAND_CAMERAMarieObjectThe MarieObject object containing a CommandCamera
Outputs REL_BRIGHTNESSintoutput brightness
REL_CONTRASTint output contrast
REL_PANintoutput pan
REL_TILTintoutput tilt
REL_ZOOMintoutput zoom
ABS_BRIGHTNESSintoutput brightness
ABS_CONTRASTint output contrast
ABS_PANintoutput pan
ABS_TILTintoutput tilt
ABS_ZOOMintoutput zoom
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

extractMarieCommandJoystick (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)

Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs COMMAND_JOYSTICKMarieObjectThe MarieObject object containing a CommandJoystick
Outputs Xintinput x, nilObject if not used
Yintinput y, nilObject if not used
XMINint input xmin, nilObject if not used
YMINintinput ymin, nilObject if not used
XMAXint input xmax, nilObject if not used
YMAXintinput ymax, nilObject if not used
NBBUTTONSint output nb buttons, nilObject if not used
BUTTONSTATEintoutput button state, nilObject if not used
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

extractMarieCommandMotor (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)

Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs COMMAND_MOTORMarieObjectThe MarieObject object containing a CommandMotor
Outputs VELOCITYintoutput velocity
ROTATIONintoutput rotation
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieCommandBehavior (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a CommandBehavior data
Inputs BEHAVIOR_COMPOSITE_ACCVectorAccumulator of composite , BEHAVIOR_ACTIVATION, BEHAVIOR_EXPLOITATION, BEHAVIOR_PARAMETERS, BEHAVIOR_RESULTS> -> behavior name, activation, parameters (separated by space), results (separated by space)
Outputs COMMAND_BEHAVIORMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a CommandBehavior data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieCommandCamera (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a CommandCamera data
Inputs REL_BRIGHTNESSintinput brightness, nilObject if not used
REL_CONTRASTintinput contrast, nilObject if not used
REL_PANintinput pan, nilObject if not used
REL_TILTintinput tilt, nilObject if not used
REL_ZOOMintinput zoom, nilObject if not used
ABS_BRIGHTNESSintinput brightness, nilObject if not used
ABS_CONTRASTintinput contrast, nilObject if not used
ABS_PANintinput pan, nilObject if not used
ABS_TILTintinput tilt, nilObject if not used
ABS_ZOOMintinput zoom, nilObject if not used
Outputs COMMAND_CAMERAMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a CommandCamera data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieCommandJoystick (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a CommandJoystick data
Inputs Xintinput x, nilObject if not used
Yintinput y, nilObject if not used
XMINintinput xmin, nilObject if not used
YMINintinput ymin, nilObject if not used
XMAXintinput xmax, nilObject if not used
YMAXintinput ymax, nilObject if not used
NBBUTTONSintinput nb buttons, nilObject if not used
BUTTONSTATEintinput button state, nilObject if not used
Outputs COMMAND_JOYSTICKMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a CommandJoystick data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

newMarieCommandMotor (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)

Create an object of type MarieObject containing a CommandMotor data
Inputs VELOCITYintinput velocity
ROTATIONintinput rotation
Outputs COMMAND_MOTORMarieObjectOutput MarieObject containing a CommandMotor data
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND

See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:LABORIUS (3)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* ChallengeVision * READ * READv2

See next category: RobotFlow:Generic

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

ChallengeVision (RobotFlow:LABORIUS)

No description available
Inputs NNETanyNo description available
DICTanyNo description available
BLACK_WHITE_LOOKUPanyNo description available
RGB24_320x240InanyNo description available
TEXT_DETECT_ACTIVATEDanyNo description available
SKIN_DETECT_ACTIVATIONanyNo description available
FACE_DETECT_ACTIVATIONanyNo description available
TEXT_TRACKING_ACTIVATEDanyNo description available
FACE_TRACKING_ACTIVATEDanyNo description available
SHOW_TRACKED_ROIanyNo description available
TEXT_EXTRACTION_ACTIVATEDanyNo description available
CURRENT_PANanyNo description available
CURRENT_TILTanyNo description available
CURRENT_ZOOManyNo description available
Outputs FRAME_FILENAMEanyNo description available
TEXTanyNo description available
ORIGINAL_TEXTanyNo description available
ABS_TILTanyNo description available
ABS_PANanyNo description available
ABS_ZOOManyNo description available
RGB24_320x240OutanyNo description available
FACE_DETECTEDanyNo description available
TEXT_DETECTEDanyNo description available
CURRENT_TRACKING_ROIanyNo description available
SKIN_DETECTEDanyNo description available
GRAYSCALE_IMAGE_TEXTanyNo description available
Parameters DEFAULT_ABS_PAN_COMMANDintNo description available
DEFAULT_ABS_TILT_COMMANDintNo description available
MIN_SYMBOL_HEIGHTintNo description available
MIN_SYMBOL_WIDTHintNo description available
MIN_DICT_SCOREfloatNo description available
MIN_DIGIT_SCOREfloatNo description available
DICT_ONLYboolNo description available
VERTICAL_TOLERANCEfloatNo description available
HORIZONTAL_TOLERANCEfloatNo description available

Return to: RobotFlow:LABORIUS

See next category: RobotFlow:Generic

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes


No description available
Inputs NNETanyNo description available
DICTanyNo description available
COLOR_LOOKUPanyNo description available
CURRENT_ABS_ZOOManyNo description available
RGB15_IMAGEanyNo description available
SIGN_TRACKING_ACTIVATEDanyNo description available
BLACK_WHITE_LOOKUPanyNo description available
Outputs REL_PAN_COMMANDanyNo description available
REL_TILT_COMMANDanyNo description available
ABS_ZOOM_COMMANDanyNo description available
SENTENCEanyNo description available
ORIGINAL_TEXTanyNo description available
READING_FLAGanyNo description available
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:LABORIUS

See next category: RobotFlow:Generic

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes


No description available
Inputs NNETanyNo description available
DICTanyNo description available
SIGN_TRACKING_ACTIVATEDanyNo description available
BLACK_WHITE_LOOKUPanyNo description available
RGB15_BINARIZEDanyNo description available
Outputs SENTENCEanyNo description available
ORIGINAL_TEXTanyNo description available
Parameters MIN_SYMBOL_HEIGHTintNo description available
MIN_SYMBOL_WIDTHintNo description available
MIN_DICT_SCOREfloatNo description available
MIN_DIGIT_SCOREfloatNo description available
DICT_ONLYboolNo description available
VERTICAL_TOLERANCEfloatNo description available
HORIZONTAL_TOLERANCEfloatNo description available

Return to: RobotFlow:LABORIUS

See next category: RobotFlow:Generic

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:Generic (4)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* DictionaryLookup * TimeStamp
* Random * USleep

See next category: RobotFlow:FSM

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

DictionaryLookup (RobotFlow:Generic)

Find the words in the dictionnary
Inputs DICTIONARYstringList of know word
TEXT_INstringText to analyse
Outputs TEXT_OUTstringText analysed
Parameters PASSING_SCOREfloatScore, in percent, that must be obtained for a substitution to occur

Return to: RobotFlow:Generic

See next category: RobotFlow:FSM

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Random (RobotFlow:Generic)

Get random number between [0-1]
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs OUTPUTfloatNo Description Available
Parameters SEEDintrandom number generator seed

Return to: RobotFlow:Generic

See next category: RobotFlow:FSM

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

TimeStamp (RobotFlow:Generic)

Get the current time and returns it in a string
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs OUTPUTstringTime represented in a string
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Generic

See next category: RobotFlow:FSM

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

USleep (RobotFlow:Generic)

Wait a given time.
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs OUTPUTanyNothing
Parameters MICROSECONDSintThe time required to sleep

Return to: RobotFlow:Generic

See next category: RobotFlow:FSM

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:FSM (1)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* FSMGenerator

See next category: RobotFlow:EMIB

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

FSMGenerator (RobotFlow:FSM)

Finite state machine subnet generator.
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs OUT_FILENAMEstringThe file name containing the generated c++ code.
Parameters FSM_FILEstringThe file name containing the FSM description.

Return to: RobotFlow:FSM

See next category: RobotFlow:EMIB

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:EMIB (1)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* NewSymbolIdentify

See next category: RobotFlow:Devices

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

NewSymbolIdentify (RobotFlow:EMIB)

Identify symbol from neural network output
Inputs INPUTVectorneural network output vector
Outputs SYMBOL_IDintFound symbol ID
Parameters THRESHOLDfloatRecognition threshold

Return to: RobotFlow:EMIB

See next category: RobotFlow:Devices

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:Devices (7)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* CANON_VCC4 * SICKLMS200 * V4L2Capture
* EVID30 * SNCRZ30
* IMU400CC_200 * SNCRZ30RS232

See next category: RobotFlow:Control

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

CANON_VCC4 (RobotFlow:Devices)

No description available
Inputs PAN_ABS_POSintAbsolute Pan of the camera -1000 to +1000
TILT_ABS_POSintAbsolute Tilt of the camera -300 to +300
PAN_REL_POSintAbsolute Pan of the camera -1000 to +1000
TILT_REL_POSintAbsolute Tilt of the camera -300 to +300
ZOOMintAbsolute Zoom of the camera 0 (1X wide) to 128 ( 16X tele)
Outputs PAN_POSITIONintReturns the current pan position of the Camera
TILT_POSITIONintReturns the current tilt position of the Camera
ZOOM_POSITIONintReturns the current zoom position of the Camera
Parameters PAN_SPEEDintPan speed 0-24
TILT_SPEEDintTilt speed 0-20
SERIAL_PORTstringNo Description Available
DEVICE_NUMBERintNo Description Available

Return to: RobotFlow:Devices

See next category: RobotFlow:Control

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

EVID30 (RobotFlow:Devices)

Sony EVI-D30 Pan-Tilt-Zoom driver.
Inputs PAN_ABS_POSintAbsolute Pan of the camera -880 to +880. (1/10 of degrees)
TILT_ABS_POSintAbsolute Tilt of the camera -300 to +300. (1/10 of degrees)
PAN_REL_POSintAbsolute Pan of the camera -880 to +880. (1/10 of degrees)
TILT_REL_POSintAbsolute Tilt of the camera -300 to +300. (1/10 of degrees)
ZOOMintAbsolute Zoom of the camera 0 (1X) to 1023 (12X)
Outputs PAN_POSITIONintReturns the current pan position of the Camera
TILT_POSITIONintReturns the current tilt position of the Camera
ZOOM_POSITIONintReturns the current zoom position of the Camera
Parameters PAN_SPEEDintPan speed 0-24
TILT_SPEEDintTilt speed 0-20
SERIAL_PORTstringNo Description Available

Return to: RobotFlow:Devices

See next category: RobotFlow:Control

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

IMU400CC_200 (RobotFlow:Devices)

Crossbow IMU400CC-200 driver.
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs X_ACCELfloatX ACCELERATION (G force)
YAW_RATEfloatYAW RATE (deg/sec)
ROLL_RATEfloatROLL_RATE (deg/sec)
XfloatX position (meters)
YfloatY position (meters)
ZfloatZ position (meters)
YAWfloatYAW (deg)
PITCHfloatPITCH (deg)
ROLLfloatROLL (deg)
Parameters SERIAL_PORTstringNo Description Available
BIAS_VALUESintThe number of values to calculate the bias on gyro rate before processing.

Return to: RobotFlow:Devices

See next category: RobotFlow:Control

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SICKLMS200 (RobotFlow:Devices)

No description available
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs RANGEVectorReturns the current range of the Laser (mm)
INTENSITYVectorReturns the current intensity of the Laser
Parameters SERIAL_PORTstringNo Description Available

Return to: RobotFlow:Devices

See next category: RobotFlow:Control

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SNCRZ30 (RobotFlow:Devices)

Sony SNCRZ30 Network Camera Pan-Tilt-Zoom + JPEG image driver.
Inputs PAN_ABS_POSintAbsolute Pan of the camera -880 to +880. (1/10 of degrees)
TILT_ABS_POSintAbsolute Tilt of the camera -300 to +300. (1/10 of degrees)
PAN_REL_POSintAbsolute Pan of the camera -880 to +880. (1/10 of degrees)
TILT_REL_POSintAbsolute Tilt of the camera -300 to +300. (1/10 of degrees)
ZOOM_ABS_POSintAbsolute Zoom of the camera 1 (1X) to 24 (24X) [0-0x4000]
ZOOM_REL_POSintRelative Zoom of the camera 1 (1X) to 24 (24X) [0-0x4000]
Outputs PAN_POSITIONintReturns the current pan position of the Camera
TILT_POSITIONintReturns the current tilt position of the Camera
ZOOM_POSITIONintReturns the current zoom position of the Camera
IMAGEImageReturn the image from the camera
Parameters PAN_SPEEDintPan speed 0-24
TILT_SPEEDintTilt speed 0-20
HOSTstringThe HOST where to connect (camera IP or network name)
CONTINUOUSboolContinuously grab images
TRANSMIT_SPEEDinttransfer rate FPS [0=FASTEST]
WAIT_REPLYboolWait for camera reply on commands
INQUIRY_POSITIONboolInquiry position of the pan,tilt,zoom from the device

Return to: RobotFlow:Devices

See next category: RobotFlow:Control

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SNCRZ30RS232 (RobotFlow:Devices)

Sony SNZRZ30 RS-232 Pan-Tilt-Zoom driver.
Inputs PAN_ABS_POSintAbsolute Pan of the camera -1700 to +1700. (1/10 of degrees)
TILT_ABS_POSintAbsolute Tilt of the camera -725 to +425. (1/10 of degrees)
PAN_REL_POSintAbsolute Pan of the camera -1700 to +1700. (1/10 of degrees)
TILT_REL_POSintAbsolute Tilt of the camera -725 to +425. (1/10 of degrees)
ZOOM_ABS_POSintAbsolute Zoom of the camera 0 (1X) to 16384 (24X)
ZOOM_REL_POSintRelative Zoom according to the actual zoom position
Outputs PAN_POSITIONintReturns the current pan position of the Camera
TILT_POSITIONintReturns the current tilt position of the Camera
ZOOM_POSITIONintReturns the current zoom position of the Camera
Parameters PAN_SPEEDintPan speed 0-24
TILT_SPEEDintTilt speed 0-20
SERIAL_PORTstringNo Description Available

Return to: RobotFlow:Devices

See next category: RobotFlow:Control

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

V4L2Capture (RobotFlow:Devices)

Interface for any V4L2 frame grabber.
Inputs nonenonenone
Outputs IMAGEImageThe image from the frame grabber.
Parameters DEVICEstringThe device name.
WIDTHintWidth of the image.
HEIGHTintHeight of the image.
FORMATstringFormat of image to be captured (GREYSCALE, RGB15, RGB24)
CONTINUOUSbooltrue if we use continuous mode for capture
BRIGHTNESSintImage brightness
CONTRASTintImage contrast
HUEintImage hue
SATURATIONintImage saturation
AUTO_WHITE_BALANCEboolAutomatic white balance for V4L2 device.
AUTO_SOFT_BRIGHTNESSboolSoftware adjustment of brightness (TEST)

Return to: RobotFlow:Devices

See next category: RobotFlow:Control

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:Control (4)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* EVID30_PID * JoystickControl
* GenericPID * Saturation

See next category: RobotFlow:Behaviors

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

EVID30_PID (RobotFlow:Control)

Simple PID controller for EVI-D30 camera.
Inputs DELTA_XfloatDiff. Number of pixel(x) to the center of the image.
DELTA_YfloatDiff. Number of pixel(y) to the center of the image.
ZOOMintCurrent camera zoom.
Outputs REL_PANintRelative Pan Value
REL_TILTintRelative Tilt Value
Parameters P_GAINfloatProportionnal gain.
I_GAINfloatIntegral gain.
D_GAINfloatDerivative gain.
I_MAXfloatThe maximum Integral value.

Return to: RobotFlow:Control

See next category: RobotFlow:Behaviors

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

GenericPID (RobotFlow:Control)

Simple PID controller.
Inputs EPSILONfloatDiff. Number of pixel(x) to the center of the image.
RESETbooleanDiff. Number of pixel(x) to the center of the image.
Outputs OUTPUTfloatOutPut
Parameters P_GAINfloatProportionnal gain.
I_GAINfloatIntegral gain.
D_GAINfloatDerivative gain.
I_MAXfloatThe maximum Integral value.

Return to: RobotFlow:Control

See next category: RobotFlow:Behaviors

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

JoystickControl (RobotFlow:Control)

Simple joystick controller.
Inputs INPUTCommand from joystickNo Description Available
Outputs VELOCITYfloatVelocity (mm/s) output
HEADINGfloatHeading (deg/s) output
Parameters X_AXIS_GAINfloatProportionnal gain.
Y_AXIS_GAINfloatIntegral gain.

Return to: RobotFlow:Control

See next category: RobotFlow:Behaviors

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Saturation (RobotFlow:Control)

Simple Saturation Block.
Inputs INPUTfloatInput to Saturate. .
Outputs OUTPUTfloatOutPut to Saturate.
Parameters MINfloatMinimum Value.
MAXfloatMaximum Value.

Return to: RobotFlow:Control

See next category: RobotFlow:Behaviors

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

* RobotFlow:Behaviors (29)

List of available FlowDesigner nodes

* Avoid * FollowWall * ParametrizedAvoid
* AvoidPat * Goto * RandomTurn
* BehaviorSelection * GotoPat * RangeFashion
* BumperStall * Grasp * Rest
* Direct * Inhibition * SafeVelocity
* DirectArbiter * MinimumDistance * SafeVelocityPat
* DirectPolygon * MoveAndTurn * SignTracking
* DirectSquare * MultiSignTracking * Subsumption
* DirectTriangle * NewBehavior * TrackAudioLoc
* FollowAudioLoc * Obey

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Avoid (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs LEFT_FRONTfloatLeft sonar value
FRONTfloatFront sonar value
RIGHT_FRONTfloatRight sonar value
ACTIVATEDboolBehavior activation
Outputs ROTATIONintRotation value
EXPLOITATIONanyBehavior exploitation
Parameters DETECTION_RANGEfloatNo description available
ROTATION_VALUEintNo description available

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

AvoidPat (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs ACTIVATEDboolBehavior activation
RANGE_BELTVectorRange mesure around the robot
ACTUAL_VELOCITYintActual velocity of the robot
Outputs VELOCITYintVelocity value
ROTATIONintRotation value
EXPLOITATIONanyBehavior exploitation.
Parameters MAX_AVOID_VELOCITYintMaximum velocity allowed (mm/s).
MIN_AVOID_VELOCITYintMinimum velocity to help the rotation (mm/s).
MAX_ROTATIONintMaximum rotation allowed (degree/s).
MIN_ROTATIONintMinimum rotation to get something going (degree/s).
MIN_ROTATION_GAINfloatGain to apply to the MIN_ROTATION value
MAX_ROBOT_VELOCITYintMaximum distance of the protection (mm)
MAX_VEL_CORRECTIONintMaximum correction of the velocity per iteration (mm/s)
MAX_DISTANCEintMaximum distance of the protection (mm)
MIN_DISTANCEintMinimum distance of the protection (mm)
MARGIN_TOLfloatFactor to break linear approximation of the speed calculation [0,1]
SIDE_FACTORfloatFactor to scale de security distance for the side
BACKWARD_DISTintDistance threshold to go backward
BACKWARD_VELOCITYintBackward velocity to apply (mm/s)
BACKWARD_ROTATIONintRotation to apply when going backward (mm/s)
BACKWARD_ITERATIONintNumber of iteration to apply backward velocity (mm/s)

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

BehaviorSelection (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs RECOMMANDATIONanyNo description available
Outputs ACTIVATIONanyNo description available
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

BumperStall (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs NBBUMPERSintNumber of bumpers
BUMPERSTATEintGlobal value of the bumpers state
ACTIVATEDboolBehavior activation
Outputs VELOCITYintVelocity value
ROTATIONintVelocity value
EXPLOITATIONanyBehavior exploitation
Parameters BEHAVIOR_TYPEintType of action to do on bumper contact
NB_ITER_ALLOWEDintNumber of allowed iterations with a bumper pressed (TYPE=0)

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Direct (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs commandanyNo description available
ACTIVATEDanyNo description available
xPosanyNo description available
yPosanyNo description available
thPosanyNo description available
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyNo description available
velocityanyNo description available
relHeadinganyNo description available
busyanyNo description available
Parameters velintNo description available
deltaDistfloatNo description available
deltaRadfloatNo description available
deltaRad2floatNo description available
distSlowDownfloatNo description available

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

DirectArbiter (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

To move robot arbitrary, according to movement selected by the trigger. Movement are defined by external bloc.
Inputs ACTIVATEDanyACTIVATED input of a behavior.
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyEXPLOITATION output of a behavior.
Trigger1anyFirst movement.
Trigger2anySecond movement.
Trigger3anyThird movement.
Parameters interval1intFirst timer before change robot movement.
interval2intSecond timer before change robot movement.
interval3intThird timer before change robot movement.

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

DirectPolygon (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

To move robot in a polygon.
Inputs ACTIVATEDanyACTIVATED input of a behavior.
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyEXPLOITATION output of a behavior.
commandanyCommand send to the robot.
Parameters nbSideintThe number of side of the polygon.
sideLenghtfloatThe lenght of a side of the polygon to execute.

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

DirectSquare (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

To move robot in a square.
Inputs ACTIVATEDanyACTIVATED input of a behavior.
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyEXPLOITATION output of a behavior.
commandanyCommand send to the robot.
Parameters sideLenghtfloatThe lenght of a side of the square to execute.

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

DirectTriangle (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

To move robot in a triangle.
Inputs ACTIVATEDanyACTIVATED input of a behavior.
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyEXPLOITATION output of a behavior.
commandanyCommand send to the robot.
Parameters sideLenghtfloatThe lenght of a side of the triangle to execute.

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

FollowAudioLoc (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs DATA_LOCALISATIONMarieDataLocalisationMarieDataLocalisation object
ACTIVATEDboolBehavior activation
PARAMSstringrotation speed and escape state in string format (in this order)
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyBehavior exploitation
VELOCITYintoutput velocity
ROTATIONintoutput rotation
Parameters MAX_VELOCITYintlinear speed (mm/s)
TRACK_STRONGESTboolTrack the strongest (most active) source instead of the oldest

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

FollowWall (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

Follow a wall if present in the robot environment
Inputs ACTIVATEDboolBehavior activation
LASERSVectorAll lasers reading.
Outputs VELOCITYintRobot Velocity (mm/s)
ROTATIONintRobot Rotation value (degrees/s)
Parameters MAX_VELOCITYintVelocity max (mm/s)
MIN_VELOCITYintVelocity min (mm/s)
MAX_ROTATIONintRotation speed max (degrees/s)
NB_SPEED_VALUEintNumber of values to spread the speed
MAX_DIST_WALLintDistance max to be away from the wall
MIN_DIST_WALLintSafety distance to wall (mm)
DIST_TOL_CENTERintDistance tolerance to the center (mm). Used only when two walls are present
MAX_DIST_DETECTIONintMaximum distance to look for a wall (mm)
ANGULAR_CORRECTIONintExtra correction to apply in the heading (degrees)
ANGULAR_TRESHOLDintThreshold to apply a angular correction (degrees)
SCANNING_RANGE_BEGINintScan angle beginning (degrees)
SCANNING_RANGE_ENDintScan angle ending (degrees)
NB_SCANNING_RANGE_SAMPLESintNumbers of laser samples to use between the scanning range
LASER_INCREMENTfloatAngle increment of the laser (degrees)
LASER_RANGEintRange of the laser (degrees)
DEGREE_CONFIDENCEfloatDegree of confidence to be considered as a wall
ESTIMATORfloatValue of the estimator for the test of confidence
STD_DEVIATIONfloatStd.dev of the estimator for the test of confidence
NB_SAMPLE_STD_DEVIATIONintNumbers of samples used in the calculation of the estimator and his std.deviation

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Goto (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs PARAMSStringabsolute target X and Y position (mm) in String format
HEADING_POSintrobot actual heading (degrees)
X_POSintrobot actual x postion (mm)
Y_POSintrobot actual y postion (mm)
ACTIVATEDboolBehavior activation
Outputs VELOCITYintRobot Velocity (mm/s)
ROTATIONintRobot Rotation value (degrees/s)
COMPLETEDboolGoto completion state
EXPLOITATIONanyBehavior exploitation
Parameters MAX_VELOCITYintVelocity max (mm/s)
MAX_ROTATIONintRotation speed max (degrees/s)
HEADING_OFFSETintOffset of the heading value with the map orientation(degrees)
GOAL_TOLERANCEintX and Y tolerance to consider position on goal (mm)
HEADING_TOLERANCEintheading tolerance to consider heading to goal (degrees)
ACTIVATE_VELOCITY_ANGLEintAngle range around heading that activates velocity (degrees)
VELOCITY_ANGLE_RATIOfloatMax Velocity ratio to apply when velocity angle is activated (float)

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

GotoPat (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs PARAMSStringAbsolute target (X, Y) position (mm) and bool value indicating if the waypoint is a goal or an intermidate in String format
HEADING_POSintrobot actual heading (degrees)
X_POSintrobot actual x position (mm)
Y_POSintrobot actual y position (mm)
ACTIVATEDboolBehavior activation
Outputs VELOCITYintRobot Velocity (mm/s)
ROTATIONintRobot Rotation value (degrees/s)
COMPLETEDboolGoto completion state
EXPLOITATIONanyBehavior exploitation
Parameters MAX_VELOCITYintVelocity max (mm/s)
MIN_VELOCITYintVelocity min (mm/s)
MAX_ROTATIONintRotation speed max (degrees/s)
NB_SPEED_VALUEintNumber of values to spread the speed
HEADING_OFFSETintOffset of the heading value with the map orientation(degrees)
GOAL_TOLERANCEintX and Y tolerance to consider position on goal (mm)
HEADING_TOLERANCEintheading tolerance to consider heading to goal (degrees)
DISCARD_DIST_INTER_GOALintDistance to discard intermediate goal

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Grasp (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

Put the gripper in deployed position, and grasp something when
Inputs ACTIVATEDanyNo description available
GripperStateTP2GripperStateObject containing boolean values describing Pioneer2 gripper state.
xPosfloatRobot's 'X' coordinate.
yPosfloatRobot's 'Y' coordinate.
HeadingfloatRobot's heading.
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyNo description available
GripperCommandintNo description available
VELOCITYintNo description available
ROTATIONintNo description available
GRASP_STATEboolNo description available
Parameters TRANS_VELintNo description available
ROT_VELintNo description available
BACKUP_DISTintNo description available
SECONDS_TO_MOVE_AWAYfloatNo description available

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Inhibition (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs INHIBITanyNo description available
INPUTanyNo description available
Outputs OUTPUTanyNo description available
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

MinimumDistance (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

Safe Velocity behavior
Inputs SONARSVectorAll sonars reading.
ACTIVATEDanyBehavior activation.
Outputs VELOCITYintRobot Velocity
HEADINGintRobot Heading
EXPLOITATIONanyBehavior exploitation.
Parameters VELOCITYintForward
ROTATIONintRotation command (deg/sec)
MIN_DISTANCEfloatMinimum distance to keep between robot and objects.

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

MoveAndTurn (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

A simple behavior to get a robot to move and turn in a certain direction and for a certain time.
Inputs ACTIVATEDanyNo description available
RESETboolReset the sequence of move-turn-wait
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyNo description available
ROTATIONintRotation to apply.
VELOCITYintVelocity to apply.
Parameters VELOCITY_VALUEintVelocity to apply.
KEEP_VELOCITY_TIMEintTime required to apply velocity (in seconds).
ROTATION_VALUEintRotation value (in degrees).
KEEP_ROTATION_TIMEintTime to keep the rotation value active (in seconds).
INACTIVE_TIMEintTime where both outputs are not active (in seconds).

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

MultiSignTracking (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

Recognization of multiple signs.
Inputs ACTIVATEDanyBehavior activation.
COMPONENTSComponentsDataThe components from the image.
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyExploitation of the behavior (computed in Behavior.cc)
HEADINGintThe heading command
VELOCITYintThe velocity command
COMPONENTSComponentsDataComponents ready for text extraction, if not ready returns nilObject
DELTA_XfloatThe difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (x).
DELTA_YfloatThe difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (y).
BOUNDARYfloatThe minimum size (in pixel) around the blob in the image.
Parameters MIN_WIDTHintminimum width to obtain before we are ready for recognition.
MIN_HEIGHTintminimum height to obtain before we are ready for recognition.
FOREGROUND_COLOR_IDintThe color number being tracked.
BACKGROUND_COLOR_IDintThe color number being tracked.

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

NewBehavior (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs ACTIVATEDanyNo description available
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyNo description available
Parameters BEHAVIOR_NAMEstringThe new behavior name.

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Obey (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs ACTIVATEDboolBehavior activation
PARAMSstringrotation speed and escape state in string format (in this order)
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyBehavior exploitation
VELOCITYintoutput velocity
ROTATIONintoutput rotation
Parameters MAX_VELOCITYintlinear speed (mm/s)
MAX_ROTATIONintrotation speed (degrees/s)

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

ParametrizedAvoid (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs LEFT_FRONTfloatLeft sonar value
FRONTfloatFront sonar value
RIGHT_FRONTfloatRight sonar value
PARAMSstringrotation speed and escape state in string format (in this order)
ACTIVATEDboolBehavior activation
Outputs ROTATIONintRotation value
EXPLOITATIONanyBehavior exploitation
Parameters DETECTION_RANGEfloatNo description available
ESCAPE_RANGEfloatsatisfiying range for escape

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

RandomTurn (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs ACTIVATEDanyNo description available
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyNo description available
ROTATIONanyNo description available
Parameters RANDOM_TIMEintTime before getting a new random rotation value.
ROTATION_VALUEintMaximum random rotation value.
KEEP_ROTATION_TIMEintTime to keep the rotation value active.

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

RangeFashion (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

Fusion range device in a unique percept
Inputs ACTIVATEDboolBehavior activation
LASERVectorAll lasers reading.
SONARVectorAll sonars reading.
IRVectorAll IRs reading.
Outputs RANGE_BELTVectorPercept after fusion
EXPLOITATIONanyBehavior exploitation
Parameters TYPE_FASHIONintDetermine of to make the sensor fashion
MAX_DISTintDistance when no data from sensor (mm)
MAX_DIST_IRintMax range detection of IR (mm)
MAX_DIST_SONARintMax range detection of sonar (mm)
MAX_DIST_LASERintMax range detection of laser (mm)

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Rest (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs ACTIVATEDanyNo description available
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyNo description available
velocityanyNo description available
relHeadinganyNo description available
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SafeVelocity (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

Safe Velocity behavior
Inputs FORWARD_VELOCITYintForward velocity of the robot.
FRONTfloatFront sonar reading.
BACKfloatBack sonar reading.
ACTIVATEDboolBehavior activation.
Outputs VELOCITYintRobot Velocity
EXPLOITATIONanyBehavior exploitation.
Parameters MAX_FORWARD_VELOCITYintMaximum velocity allowed (mm/s).
BACKWARD_VELOCITYintDefault value when going backward.
FRONT_DISTANCEfloatFront sonar reading befoir going backward.
BACK_DISTANCEfloatBack sonar reading before going forward.

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SafeVelocityPat (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

Safe Velocity behavior
Inputs ACTIVATEDboolBehavior activation.
DESIRED_VELOCITYintDesired velocity of the robot
ROTATIONintDesired rotation of the robot
RANGE_BELTVectorDistance of the obstacle to the robot
Outputs VELOCITYintOutput velocity
EXPLOITATIONanyBehavior exploitation.
Parameters MAX_VELOCITYintMaximum velocity allowed (mm/s).
MIN_VELOCITYintMinimum velocity to beat friction (mm/s) (-1 to disable).
MAX_DISTANCEintMaximum distance of the protection (mm)
MIN_DISTANCEintMaximum distance of the protection (mm)
SIDE_FACTORfloatFactor to scale de security distance for the side
MAX_VEL_CORRECTIONintMaximum velocity correction to apply

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

SignTracking (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs ACTIVATEDanyNo description available
COMPONENTSComponentsDataThe components from the image.
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyExploitation of the behavior (computed in Behavior.cc)
HEADINGintThe heading command
VELOCITYintThe velocity command
RECTCRectThe CRect if properly scaled and ready for recognition, else nilObject.
DELTA_XfloatThe difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (x).
DELTA_YfloatThe difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (y).
AREAfloatThe Area of the color blob
WIDTHfloatThe width of the color blob
HEIGHTfloatThe height of the color blob
BOUNDARYfloatThe minimum size (in pixel) around the blob in the image.
Parameters MIN_WIDTHintminimum width to obtain before we are ready for recognition.
MIN_HEIGHTintminimum height to obtain before we are ready for recognition.
FOREGROUND_COLOR_IDintThe color number being tracked.
BACKGROUND_COLOR_IDintThe color number being tracked.

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

Subsumption (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

No description available
Inputs HIGH_PRIORITYanyNo description available
LOW_PRIORITYanyNo description available
Outputs OUTPUTanyNo description available
Parameters nonenonenone

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

See next category: -

Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes

TrackAudioLoc (RobotFlow:Behaviors)

Compute a CommandCamera from a DataLocalisation
Inputs DATA_LOCALISATIONMarieObjectMarieObject object containing a DataLocalisation data
ACTIVATEDboolBehavior activation
PARAMSstringrotation speed and escape state in string format (in this order)
Outputs EXPLOITATIONanyBehavior exploitation
PANfloatpan in degree computed from DATA_LOCALISATION
TILTfloattilt in degree computed from DATA_LOCALISATION
Parameters TRACK_STRONGESTboolTrack the strongest (most active) source instead of the oldest

Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors

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