Categories of available FlowDesigner Nodes
* RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking (9)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV
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DrawPFParticle (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)
Draws particle state as a visual ROI in current image.
Inputs |
IN_IMAGE | Image | Current image to use. |
IN_ROI | VisualROI | Current particle to draw. |
Outputs |
OUT_IMAGE | Image | Resulting image with particles drawn. |
OUT_ROI | VisualROI | Current ROI. | PREPROCESS_COMPLETED | int | Output to force preprocessing. |
Parameters |
FRAME_WIDTH | int | Video frame width. |
FRAME_HEIGHT | int | Video frame height. | NUM_CHANNELS | int | Number of channels in video frame. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking
See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV
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GetVisualROIParam (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)
Interface to get the member data of a VisualROI.
Inputs |
IN_ROI | VisualROI | Current region of interest. |
Outputs |
CENTER_X | Int | Center position (X). |
CENTER_Y | Int | Center position (Y). | HALF_WIDTH | Int | Region half width. | HALF_HEIGHT | Int | Region half height. | ANGLE | Int | Region angle (in degrees). |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking
See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV
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MeanShiftTracker (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)
Mean shift region/object tracker.
Inputs |
IMAGE_IN | Image | Current video frame. |
PREPROCESS_COMPLETED | Vector | Flags indicating the completion of the features extraction preprocessing stage. | CURRENT_TARGET | VisualTarget | Current target to track. | MS_LOCATION | Vector | Mean shift vector of location. |
Outputs |
TRACKING_FINISHED | bool | Flag indicating that the tracking has completed. |
IMAGE_OUT | Image | Current image to process. | CURRENT_TARGET | VisualTarget | Current target being tracked (to compute mean shift location). | TRACKED_TARGET | Image | Target updated according to the tracking algorithm. |
Parameters |
FRAME_WIDTH | int | Video frame width. |
FRAME_HEIGHT | int | Video frame height. | NUM_CHANNELS | int | Number of channels in video frame. | MAX_NUM_MS_ITER | int | Maximum number of mean shift iterations. | MS_DIST_EPSILON | float | Minimal distance to consider that the mean shift has found a maximum. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking
See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV
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MultiIntegralCuesPFTracker (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)
Full tracker implementation using different types of integral features.
Inputs |
INIT_VARIANCE | Vector | Variance for initialization of each of the particle state. |
NOISE_VARIANCE | Vector | Noise variance for each of the particle state. | IMAGE_IN | Image | Current video frame. | DETECTED_ROI | VisualROI | A region of interest detected as a potential target region. | EDGES_ORI_SUM_IMG | Vector | Reference to edges orientation integral images. While reference is not null, no edges preprocessing will be done. | SHOW_TRACKED_ROI | bool | Flag indicating to show the current tracked region. | FRAME_BASENAME | string | Path and basename for the frames filename that will be produced as an output. | ACTIVATION | bool | Node activation flag. |
Outputs |
IMAGE_OUT | Image | Current image with identified target. |
CURRENT_ROI | VisualROI | Current region of interest corresponding to the tracked target. | CURRENT_TARGET | VisualTarget | Current target to track. | TARGET_PROB | float | Current target likelihood at current tracked position. | ROI_FOR_DETECTION | VisualROI | Current region of interest corresponding to the tracked target. IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not pull ROI_FOR_DETECTION output first since this will result in the output to be not synchoronized with the frames and the tracking process. | FRAME_FILENAME | string | Filename for the current frame to save. |
Parameters |
FRAME_WIDTH | int | Video frame width. |
FRAME_HEIGHT | int | Video frame height. | NUM_CHANNELS | int | Number of channels in video frame. | TARGET_MATCH_THRES | float | Minimum confidence to assume a target match. | TARGET_ADAPT_THRES | float | Adaptation treshold for each target cue model. | TARGET_ADAPT_RATE | float | Adaptation rate for each target cue model. | CUE_ADAPT_RATE | float | Adaptation rate for each cue weight. | LIKELIHOOD_SIGMA | float | Exponential sigma value to discriminate likelihood. | NUM_HORI_RECT | int | Number of horizontal rectangle to use for integral features. | NUM_VERT_RECT | int | Number of vertical rectangle to use for integral features. | USE_RECT_DIFF | bool | Features are differences between rectangle regions. | USE_COLOR_BOUNDARY | bool | Flag indicating to detect a color boundary for a better scale adaptation. | BOUNDARY_DIFF_THRESH | float | Minimum difference between boundary and ROI rectangle mean values. | NUM_ORIENTATIONS | int | Number of edge orientations. | MIN_EDGES_STRENGTH | float | Threshold to remove noisy/weak edges. | MAX_EDGES_STRENGTH | float | Limit on the edge strength. | NUM_PARTICLES | int | Number of particles (samples) to use. | PARTICLE_STATE_SIZE | int | Particle state size. | COLOR_CUE_WEIGHT | float | Color features weight. | EDGES_CUE_WEIGHT | float | Color features weight. | LBP_CUE_WEIGHT | float | Color features weight. | REDETECTION_FREQUENCY | int | Frequency of application of redetection of current tracked region (in number of frames). |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking
See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV
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PFGenericParticleFilter (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)
Generic implementation of a particle filter.
Inputs |
INIT_VARIANCE | Vector | Variance for initialization of each of the particle state. |
REFERENCE_MEAN_STATE | PFGenericParticle | Current reference mean state to track. | PREDICT_COMPLETED | bool | Flag indicating the success of the prediction. | PARTICLE_LIKELIHOOD | float | Resulting measurement likelihood for current particle. |
Outputs |
FILTERING_FINISHED | bool | Flag indicating that the tracking has completed. |
CURRENT_PARTICLE | PFGenericParticle | Current particle (sample) to apply prediction model. | TRACKED_MEAN_STATE | PFGenericParticle | Resulting mean state after particle filtering. |
Parameters |
NUM_PARTICLES | int | Number of particles (samples) to use. |
PARTICLE_STATE_SIZE | int | Particle state size. |
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PFPMRandomWalk (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)
Random walk prediction model for particle filters.
Inputs |
NOISE_VARIANCE | Vector | Noise variance for each of the particle state. |
CURRENT_PARTICLE | PFGenericParticle | Current particle (sample) to apply prediction model. |
Outputs |
PREDICT_COMPLETED | bool | Flag indicating the success of the prediction. |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
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PFState2VisualROI (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)
Conversion from a particle filter sample (dynamic state) to a VisualROI object.
Inputs |
IN_PARTICLE | PFGenericParticle | Current ROI to convert. |
Outputs |
OUT_ROI | VisualROI | Resulting particle with appropriate state. |
Parameters |
USE_SCALE | bool | Flag indicating to use the ROI scale (width and height) in the particle's state. |
USE_ROTATION_ANGLE | bool | Flag indicating to use the ROI rotation angle in the particle's state. | ROI_REGION_TYPE | int | Geometric type for the ROI region (refer to enum e_VISUALROI_type in VisualROI.h). |
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VisualTargetManager (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)
Target manager to handle target initialization, adaptation and deletion.
Inputs |
IMAGE_IN | Image | Current video frame. |
PREPROCESS_COMPLETED | Vector | Flags indicating the completion of the features extraction preprocessing stage. | DETECTED_ROI | VisualROI | A region of interest detected as a potential target region. | FEATURES_VECTOR | Vector *> | Features descriptors vector (probably requested to adapt or init a target) | TRACKED_TARGET | VisualTarget | An updated target by a tracking routine. |
Outputs |
IMAGE_OUT | Image | Current image with identified target. |
CURRENT_ROI | VisualROI | Current region of interest to extract features. | CURRENT_TARGET | VisualTarget | Current target to track. | TARGET_PROB | double | Current target likelihood at current tracked position. | TARGET_DELTA_X | float | Current target position relative to the image x center. | TARGET_DELTA_Y | float | Current target position relative to the image y center. | FRAME_NAME | string | Current frame name for saving purposes. |
Parameters |
FRAME_WIDTH | int | Video frame width. |
FRAME_HEIGHT | int | Video frame height. | NUM_CHANNELS | int | Number of channels in video frame. | MAX_NUM_TARGET | int | Maximum number of target to keep track of. | TARGET_MATCH_THRES | float | Minimum confidence to assume a target match. | TARGET_ADAPT_THRES | float | Adaptation treshold for each target cue model. | TARGET_ADAPT_RATE | float | Adaptation rate for each target cue model. | CUE_ADAPT_RATE | float | Adaptation rate for each cue weight. | LIKELIHOOD_SIGMA | float | Exponential sigma value to discriminate likelihood. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking
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VisualTargetPFInterface (RobotFlow:Vision:Tracking)
Interface for tracking a VisualTarget using a particle filter framework.
Inputs |
IN_TARGET | VisualTarget | Current VisualTarget to convert. |
IN_FEATURES_VECTOR | Vector *> | Features descriptors vector (to compute a particle likelihood). | IN_MEAN_STATE | PFGenericParticle | Mean state particle resulting from partcile filter tracking. | PREPROCESS_COMPLETED | Vector | Flags indicating the completion of the features extraction preprocessing stage. | FILTERING_FINISHED | bool | Flags indicating the completion of the particle filtering stage. |
Outputs |
OUT_PARTICLE | PFGenericParticle | Resulting particle with appropriate state. |
OUT_LIKELIHOOD | float | Current particle likelihood. | OUT_TARGET | VisualTarget | Resulting tracked target. | TRACKING_FINISHED | bool | Flag indicating that the tracking has completed. |
Parameters |
USE_SCALE | bool | Flag indicating to use the ROI scale (width and height) in the particle's state. |
USE_ROTATION_ANGLE | bool | Flag indicating to use the ROI rotation angle in the particle's state. | LIKELIHOOD_SIGMA | float | Exponential sigma value to discriminate likelihood. |
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* RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV (1)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction
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TextSignDetect (RobotFlow:Vision:OpenCV)
Determine the contours in the input image.
Inputs |
IN_IMAGE | Image | Current color frame to process. |
IN_TRACKED_ROI | VisualROI | Region of interest currently tracked. | ACTIVATION | bool | processing activation flag |
Outputs |
TEXT_ROI_IMG | Image | Image with potential text region of interest drawn. |
OUT_ROI | VisualROI | Region of interest corresponding to largest region of text. | EDGES_ORI_SUM_IMG | Vector | Reference to edges orientation integral images. |
Parameters |
FRAME_WIDTH | int | Video frame width. |
FRAME_HEIGHT | int | Video frame height. | NUM_CHANNELS | int | Video frame number of channels. | NUM_ORIENTATIONS | int | Number of bins for the local edge histogram. | EDGES_STRENGTH_THRESHOLD | float | Threshold to remove noisy/weak edges. | TEXT_ROI_MIN_WIDTH | int | Minimal width of a potential region of interest to consider it as text. | TEXT_ROI_MIN_HEIGHT | int | Minimal height of a potential region of interest to consider it as text. | TEXT_ROI_MAX_WIDTH | int | Maximal width of a potential region of interest to consider it as text. | TEXT_ROI_MAX_HEIGHT | int | Maximal height of a potential region of interest to consider it as text. | MAX_STD_ORIENTATION_BINS | float | Maximal standard deviation of the local edge orientation histogram bins heightEdges orientation histogram of a potential region of interest to consider it as text. | MAX_NUM_TEXT_ROI | int | Maximum number of text region of interest to use. | MAX_STD | float | Low threshold used for edge searching. | MIN_DIST | float | High threshold used for edge searching. | HORIZONTAL_SYMMETRY_THRESHOLD | float | Horizontal edge orientation symmetry treshold. Text region should have lower values than threshold. | VERTICAL_SYMMETRY_THRESHOLD | float | Vertical edge orientation symmetry treshold. Text region should have lower values than threshold. |
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* RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction (4)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:Vision:Detection
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ColorHistExtraction (RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction)
Color histogram features extraction.
Inputs |
IN_IMAGE | Image | Current frame to process. |
NUM_BINS | Vector | Number of bins for each dimension of the histogram. | CURRENT_ROI | VisualROI | The current region of interest. | CURRENT_TARGET | VisualTarget | The current target to estimate the mean shif location. | TARGET_DESC_IDX | int | The corresponding descriptor index in the current target descriptors vector. | PREPROCESS_FRAME | bool | Flag indicating to preprocess a new image. |
Outputs |
OUT_FEATURES | Vector *> | Output features descriptor. |
OUT_MS_LOCATION | Vector | Mean shift vector of location. | PREPROCESS_COMPLETED | int | Output to force preprocessing. |
Parameters |
FRAME_WIDTH | int | Video frame width. |
FRAME_HEIGHT | int | Video frame height. | NUM_CHANNELS | int | Number of channels in video frame. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction
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IntegralColorExtraction (RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction)
Integral color features extraction.
Inputs |
IN_IMAGE | Image | Current frame to process. |
CURRENT_ROI | VisualROI | The current region of interest. | PREPROCESS_FRAME | bool | Flag indicating to preprocess a new image. |
Outputs |
OUT_FEATURES | Vector *> | Output features descriptor. |
PREPROCESS_COMPLETED | int | Output to force preprocessing. |
Parameters |
FRAME_WIDTH | int | Video frame width. |
FRAME_HEIGHT | int | Video frame height. | NUM_CHANNELS | int | Number of channels in video frame. | NUM_HORI_RECT | int | Number of horizontal rectangle to use for integral features. | NUM_VERT_RECT | int | Number of vertical rectangle to use for integral features. | USE_RECT_DIFF | bool | Features are differences between rectangle regions. | USE_BOUNDARY_DIFF | bool | Flag indicating to detect a color boundary for a better scale adaptation. | BOUNDARY_DIFF_THRESH | float | Minimum difference between boundary and ROI rectangle mean values. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction
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IntegralEdgesOriExtraction (RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction)
Integral edges orientation features extraction.
Inputs |
IN_IMAGE | Image | Current frame to process. |
CURRENT_ROI | VisualROI | The current region of interest. | PREPROCESS_FRAME | bool | Flag indicating to preprocess a new image. |
Outputs |
OUT_FEATURES | Vector *> | Output features descriptor. |
PREPROCESS_COMPLETED | int | Output to force preprocessing. |
Parameters |
FRAME_WIDTH | int | Video frame width. |
FRAME_HEIGHT | int | Video frame height. | NUM_CHANNELS | int | Number of channels in video frame. | NUM_ORIENTATIONS | int | Number of edge orientations. | NUM_CHANNELS | int | Number of channels in video frame. | NUM_HORI_RECT | int | Number of horizontal rectangle to use for integral features. | NUM_VERT_RECT | int | Number of vertical rectangle to use for integral features. | MIN_EDGES_STRENGTH | float | Threshold to remove noisy/weak edges. | MAX_EDGES_STRENGTH | float | Limit on the edge strength. | USE_RECT_DIFF | bool | Features are differences between rectangle regions. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction
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IntegralLBPExtraction (RobotFlow:Vision:FeaturesExtraction)
Integral LBP (Local Binary Pattern) features extraction.
Inputs |
IN_IMAGE | Image | Current frame to process. |
CURRENT_ROI | VisualROI | The current region of interest. | PREPROCESS_FRAME | bool | Flag indicating to preprocess a new image. |
Outputs |
OUT_FEATURES | Vector *> | Output features descriptor. |
PREPROCESS_COMPLETED | int | Output to force preprocessing. |
Parameters |
FRAME_WIDTH | int | Video frame width. |
FRAME_HEIGHT | int | Video frame height. | NUM_CHANNELS | int | Number of channels in video frame. | NUM_HORI_RECT | int | Number of horizontal rectangle to use for integral features. | NUM_VERT_RECT | int | Number of vertical rectangle to use for integral features. | NUM_SAMPLES | int | Number of samples in the circle in order to compute the LBP. | PREDICATE | int | Radius of the sample circle. | DO_INTERPOLATION_FLAG | bool | Flag to use bilinear interpolation for sub-pixel samples. | UNIFORM_PATTERNS_ONLY | bool | Use only rotation invariant uniform (riu2) patterns. (A false value will require an immense amount of memory!) | PATTERN_INIT_ANGLE | int | Starting angle for the pattern. Used only by the general LBP routine. | USE_RECT_DIFF | bool | Features are differences between rectangle regions. |
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* RobotFlow:Vision:Detection (3)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
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CvFaceDetection (RobotFlow:Vision:Detection)
Haar cascade classifier applied to face recognition using OpenCV.
Inputs |
IN_IMAGE | Image | Current grayscale frame to process. |
IN_SKIN_MASK | Image | Current skin color segmentation result. | IN_TRACKED_ROI | VisualROI | Region of interest currently tracked. | ACTIVATION | bool | Node activation flag. |
Outputs |
OUT_ROI | VisualROI | Region of interest corresponding to current model. |
Parameters |
FRAME_WIDTH | int | Video frame width. |
FRAME_HEIGHT | int | Video frame height. | MAX_NUM_SKIN_REGIONS | int | Maximum number of skin regions to search for faces in a frame. | MIN_SKIN_ROI_WIDTH | int | Minimum width of a skin region to consider for face detection. | MIN_SKIN_ROI_HEIGHT | int | Minimum height of a skin region to consider for face detection. |
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SkinColorGMMSegm (RobotFlow:Vision:Detection)
Skin segmentation based on gaussian mixture models in the r-b color space.
Inputs |
IN_IMAGE | Image | Current color frame to process. |
ACTIVATION | bool | Node activation flag. |
Outputs |
SEGMENTED_IMAGE | Image | Segmented image output. |
Parameters |
FRAME_WIDTH | int | Width of video frames. |
FRAME_HEIGHT | int | Height of video frames. | SKIN_GMM_FILENAME | string | Filename (including path) of the skin GMM model file. | SKIN_SCORE_THRESHOLD | float | Threshold for skin model score to consider a pixel as skin. |
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SkinColorHistSegm (RobotFlow:Vision:Detection)
Skin segmentation based on bayesian classification using color histogram models.
Inputs |
IN_IMAGE | Image | Current color frame to process. |
ACTIVATION | bool | Node activation flag. |
Outputs |
PROB_MAP_IMAGE | Image | Skin probability map image output. |
SEGMENTED_IMAGE | Image | Segmented image output. |
Parameters |
FRAME_WIDTH | int | Width of video frames. |
FRAME_HEIGHT | int | Height of video frames. | MODELS_PATH | string | Path where the files nonSkinHistogram.txt and SkinNonSkinHistogram.txt are present. | SKIN_PROBABILITY_PRIOR | float | Prior skin probability to consider a pixel as skin. | SKIN_PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD | float | Threshold for skin probability to consider a pixel as skin. |
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* RobotFlow:Vision (45)
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BMPLoad (RobotFlow:Vision)
Read a 24-bit Windows bmp image from disk.
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
LoadImage | IMAGE | No Description Available |
Parameters |
PIXELSIZE | int | Pixel Size of output image (1-grayscale, 2-rgb15, 3-rgb24) |
FILENAME | string | Name of the file |
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BMPSave (RobotFlow:Vision)
Save an image to disk in bmp format.
Inputs |
SaveImage | IMAGE | No Description Available |
FILENAME | string | No Description Available |
Outputs |
SaveStatus | int | No Description Available |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
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Binarize (RobotFlow:Vision)
Converts an image to black and white values
Inputs |
THRESHOLD | float | Threshold value on a 0-1 scale (Value of intensity above which pixels will be considered black) |
IMAGE_IN | Image | Image to convert. |
Outputs |
IMAGE_OUT | Image | Converted image. |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
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Bt848 (RobotFlow:Vision)
Interface to the bt848 frame grabber.
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
IMAGE | Image | The image from the frame grabber. |
Parameters |
WIDTH | int | Width of the image. |
BRIGHTNESS | int | Image brightness | CONTRAST | int | Image contrast | HEIGHT | int | Height of the image. | DEVICE | string | The device name. | CONTINUOUS | bool | The device working in continuous mode |
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ColorTracker (RobotFlow:Vision)
No description available
Inputs |
COLOR_ID | int | The color number being tracked. |
COMPONENTS | ComponentsData | The components from the image. |
Outputs |
DELTA_X | float | The difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (x). |
DELTA_Y | float | The difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (y). | AREA | float | The Area of the color blob | WIDTH | float | The width of the color blob | HEIGHT | float | The height of the color blob | BOUNDARY | float | The minimum size (in pixel) around the blob in the image. |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
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Components (RobotFlow:Vision)
No description available
Inputs |
IMAGE | Image | The Image to extract colors from. |
LOOKUP | ColorLookup | The color lookup to use |
Outputs |
BLOBS | ComponentsData | The color blobs. |
Parameters |
XGAP | int | max X distance between two pixels of the same color blob. |
YGAP | int | max Y distance between two pixels of the same color blob. | NUM_COLOR | int | Number of color to extract. | MIN_AREA | int | minimum area of color blocs |
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ComponentsDraw (RobotFlow:Vision)
No description available
Inputs |
IMAGE | Image | Original Input Image |
DATA | ComponentsData | Extracted components data |
Outputs |
IMAGE | Image | Random Image |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
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ComponentsViewer (RobotFlow:Vision)
No description available
Inputs |
LOOKUP | ColorLookup | Color Lookup Table to display components |
DATA | ComponentsData | Extracted components data |
Outputs |
IMAGE | Image | Random Image |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
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ExtractSentence (RobotFlow:Vision)
Inputs |
SYMBOL_LIST | Vector | Data about the extracted symbols |
Outputs |
SENTENCE | string | A string corresponding to the sentence read |
Parameters |
VERTICAL_TOLERANCE | float | Determines how strict the definition of a line is. |
HORIZONTAL_TOLERANCE | float | Determines how wide a space has to be to be considered an end of word. |
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ExtractSentence_v2 (RobotFlow:Vision)
Inputs |
SYMBOL_LIST | Vector | Data about the extracted symbols
DICT | Vector | Dictionnary |
Outputs |
SENTENCE | string | A string corresponding to the sentence read |
ORIGINAL_TEXT | string | Original Text one letter at a time. |
Parameters |
MIN_DICT_SCORE | float | Minimum probability [0,1] for dictionary hit |
MIN_DIGIT_SCORE | float | Minimum nnet output for digit hit [-1,1] | DICT_ONLY | bool | true = will only extract words from the dict, false will also try to extract digits | VERTICAL_TOLERANCE | float | Determines how strict the definition of a line is. | HORIZONTAL_TOLERANCE | float | Determines how wide a space has to be to be considered an end of word. |
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FakeImage (RobotFlow:Vision)
No description available
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
IMAGE | Image | Random Image |
Parameters |
WIDTH | int | Width of the image (in pixels) |
HEIGHT | int | Height of the image (in pixels) | DEPTH | int | Depth of the image (in bytes per pixel) |
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GrayGaussianBlur (RobotFlow:Vision)
Gaussian Blur
Inputs |
GRAYIMAGE | IMAGE | Grayscale image |
Outputs |
BLURIMAGE | IMAGE | Blurred Grayscale image |
Parameters |
SIGMA | float | Sigma of Gaussian Blur |
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HoughTransform (RobotFlow:Vision)
Apply a hough transform on image
Inputs |
MAGNITUDEMAP | IMAGE | Magnitude Map - Grayscale Image |
Angle | int | Center angle we want to process. Range 0 to 360 | AbsAnglePrecision | int | Absolute Angle "width" - if we want 175 to 185 degree, Angle=180, AAP=5. Range 1 to 90 |
Outputs |
Transform | IMAGE | Hough Transform Map |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
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ImageAnd (RobotFlow:Vision)
OR operation between two images
Inputs |
GRAYIMAGE1 | IMAGE | Grayscale image 1 |
GRAYIMAGE2 | IMAGE | Grayscale image 2 |
Outputs |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
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ImageCorrellation (RobotFlow:Vision)
Extract a region of an image.
Inputs |
IMAGE | Image | The original (not modified) image GREYSCALE |
IMAGE_TEMPLATE | Image | The template to match in the image GREYSCALE |
Outputs |
DELTA_X | float | delta_x from the center of the image, where the template matches most |
DELTA_Y | float | delta_y from the center of the image, where the template matches most | SCORE | float | the minimum score for a delta_x delta_y position. |
Parameters |
GRID_SPACING | int | the spacing between pixels |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
ImageOr (RobotFlow:Vision)
OR operation between two images
Inputs |
GRAYIMAGE1 | IMAGE | Grayscale image 1 |
GRAYIMAGE2 | IMAGE | Grayscale image 2 |
Outputs |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
InverseHough (RobotFlow:Vision)
Reverts a hough transform
Inputs |
AbsAnglePrecision | int | Absolute Angle "width" - if we want 175 to 185 degree, Angle=180, AAP=5. Range 1 to 90 |
Angle | int | Center angle we want to process. Range 0 to 360 | Transform | IMAGE | Hough-transform image, filtered with Magnitude + Magn2EdgeMap |
Outputs |
Lines | LINEARRAY | Straight Lines |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
JPEGLoadMemory (RobotFlow:Vision)
Save a JPEG image
Inputs |
INPUT_DATA | string | Input image in memory (JPEG format) |
Outputs |
IMAGE | Image | The output image created from data
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
JPEGSave (RobotFlow:Vision)
Save a JPEG image
Inputs |
INPUT | Image | Input image to be saved |
SAVE_FILENAME | string | file name to save probe content (JPEG) |
Outputs |
IMAGE | Image | The same as the input image
JPEG_DATA | string | Raw (binary) JPEG data. |
Parameters |
QUALITY | int | string to indicate the quality of the compression, [0 to 100] ( |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
LoadImage (RobotFlow:Vision)
Read image from disk from a gdk-pixbuf supported format
Inputs |
FILENAME | string | the file to load |
Outputs |
IMAGE | Image | output image from file |
Parameters |
PIXELSIZE | int | Pixel Size of output image (1-grayscale, 2-rgb15, 3-rgb24) |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Magn2EdgeMap (RobotFlow:Vision)
Transform magnitude map to an edge map
Inputs |
MAGNITUDEMAP | IMAGE | MagnitudeMap - Grayscale Image |
Outputs |
EDGEMAP | IMAGE | EdgeMap - B |
Parameters |
THRESHOLD | int | threshold ( |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Magnitude (RobotFlow:Vision)
Inputs |
GRAYIMAGE | IMAGE | Grayscale image |
Outputs |
MAGNITUDE | IMAGE | Magnitude image map |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
MovementDetector (RobotFlow:Vision)
No description available
Inputs |
IMAGE_IN | Image | The image from the frame grabber (greyscale). |
Outputs |
MOVEMENT_IMAGE | Image | The image containing movement position (white) and no movement (black) |
Parameters |
DELTA_INTENSITY | int | The width of the image. |
HISTORY_SIZE | int | The history size to find movement (30 images = 1 sec at 30FPS) |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
MultiColorTracker (RobotFlow:Vision)
Tracks N blobs of the color COLOR_ID.
Inputs |
COLOR_ID | int | The color number being tracked. |
COMPONENTS | ComponentsData | The components from the image. |
Outputs |
DELTA_X | Vector | The difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (x). |
DELTA_Y | Vector | The difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (y). | AREA | Vector | The Area of the color blob | WIDTH | Vector | The width of the color blob | HEIGHT | Vector | The height of the color blob | BOUNDARY | Vector | The minimum size (in pixel) around the blob in the image. | NB_BLOBS | int | number of color blobs processed |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
PPMImage (RobotFlow:Vision)
Read a ppm image from disk.
Inputs |
FILENAME | string | The file containing the PPM image. |
Outputs |
IMAGE | Image | Image read from disk (PPM) |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Posterize (RobotFlow:Vision)
Converts an image to solid color values
Inputs |
IMAGE_IN | Image | Image to convert. |
Outputs |
IMAGE_OUT | Image | Converted image. |
Parameters |
THRESHOLD | float | Threshold value on a 0-1 scale (Value of intensity above which pixels will be considered as colored) |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
PrintLines (RobotFlow:Vision)
Transform a LineArray into an image, for debugging
Inputs |
Lines | LINEARRAY | Lines |
Outputs |
LinesImage | IMAGE | Image or Lines - Grayscale |
Parameters |
WIDTH | int | Image Width |
HEIGHT | int | Image Height | LINECOLOR | int | Color for lines (0..255) | BGCOLOR | int | Color of background (0..255) |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
RGB152GREY (RobotFlow:Vision)
Simple RGB152GREY conversion from RGB15 color format to greyscale format.
Inputs |
RGBIMAGE | Image | RGB15 image |
Outputs |
GREYIMAGE | Image | Greyscale image |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
RGB242RGB15 (RobotFlow:Vision)
Simple conversion from RGB24 color format to RGB15 (0RRRRRGGGGGBBBBB) color format.
Inputs |
RGB24_IMAGE | Image | RGB24 format image |
Outputs |
RGB15_IMAGE | Image | RGB15 format image |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
RGB5552RGB24 (RobotFlow:Vision)
Simple conversion from RGB555 color format to RGB24 color format.
Inputs |
RGB555IMAGE | Image | RGB555 image |
Outputs |
RGB24IMAGE | IMAGE | RGB24 image |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
RGBMerge (RobotFlow:Vision)
Merge red green and blue color channels to form a color image.
Inputs |
RED | Image | Red color channel |
GREEN | Image | Green color channel | BLUE | Image | Blue color channel |
Outputs |
IMAGE | Image | RGB15 color image |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
RGBSplit (RobotFlow:Vision)
Simple Red, Green, Blue channel extraction from RGB15 color format.
Inputs |
IMAGE | Image | RGB15 image |
Outputs |
RED | Image | Red image channel (0-255) |
GREEN | Image | Green image channel (0-255) | BLUE | Image | Blue image channel (0-255) |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
RectAnalyser (RobotFlow:Vision)
Extracts information about a CRect.
Inputs |
CRECT | CRect | Blob bounding box (CRect) |
Outputs |
HEIGHT | int | Height of the blob (in pixels) |
WIDTH | int | Width of the blob (in pixels) | AREA | int | Area of the blob contained in the rect | X_RELATIVE_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY | int | Number of pixels between the left boundary of the blob and its center of gravity | Y_RELATIVE_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY | int | Number of pixels between the top of the blob and its center of gravity |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
RectBoundaries (RobotFlow:Vision)
Returns information about the CRect corner points
Inputs |
CRECT | CRect | Blob bounding box (CRect) |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | Vector | CRect corners position: x,y of upper-left corner followed by x,y of lower-right corner. |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Scale (RobotFlow:Vision)
Simple Scale controller.
Inputs |
CRECT | CRect | Blob bounding box (CRect) |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | Vector | Scaled CRect -1=background +1=foreground |
Parameters |
WIDTH | int | WIDTH of the scaled CRECT |
HEIGHT | int | HEIGHT of the scaled CRECT | DEBUG | int | prints scaled character |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
ScalePrint (RobotFlow:Vision)
Simple Scaled Vector Printer.
Inputs |
INPUT | Vector | Vector representing the scaled character |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | Vector | Same vector as input |
Parameters |
WIDTH | int | WIDTH of the scaled character |
HEIGHT | int | HEIGHT of the scaled character |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
SplitImage (RobotFlow:Vision)
Split image in four parts
Inputs |
GRAYIMAGE | IMAGE | Grayscale image |
Outputs |
IMAGETL | IMAGE | TopLeft part |
IMAGETR | IMAGE | TopRight part | IMAGEBL | IMAGE | BottomLeft part | IMAGEBR | IMAGE | BottomRight part |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
StatIntensityAnalyser (RobotFlow:Vision)
Extracts statistical information about the intensity of an image
Inputs |
IMAGE_IN | Image | Image to analyse. |
Outputs |
MAX_INTENSITY | float | Maximum intensity of analysed sample on a 0-1 scale |
MIN_INTENSITY | float | Minimum intensity of analysed sample on a 0-1 scale | AVG_INTENSITY | float | Average intensity | STD_INTENSITY | float | Intensity standard deviation |
Parameters |
FRACTION_ANALYSED | float | Fraction of pixels to analyse (on a 0-1 scale) |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
SubImage (RobotFlow:Vision)
Extract a region of an image.
Inputs |
IMAGE | Image | The original (not modified) |
X1 | int | upper left corner (x) | Y1 | int | upper left corner (y) | X2 | int | lower right corner (x) | Y2 | int | lower right corner (y) |
Outputs |
IMAGE | Image | Part of the image taken from the original image |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Surround (RobotFlow:Vision)
Converts an image to black and white values
Inputs |
IMAGE_IN | Image | Image to convert. |
Outputs |
IMAGE_OUT | Image | Converted image. |
Parameters |
SPACING | int | number of bordering pixels (white) |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
SymbolCounter (RobotFlow:Vision)
Counts the number of symbols of a given channel in an image.
Inputs |
DATA | ComponentsData | Extracted components data |
Outputs |
COUNT | int | The number of symbols in the image |
Parameters |
CHANNEL | int | Channel from which to extract the symbol |
DEPTH | int | Depth of the image (in bytes per pixel) |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
SymbolExtractor (RobotFlow:Vision)
No description available
Inputs |
DATA | ComponentsData | Extracted components data |
INDEX | int | Index of the symbol to extract |
Outputs |
SYMBOL | CRect | CRect describing the symbol extracted from given channel |
Parameters |
CHANNEL | int | Channel from which to extract the symbol |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
SymbolLoad (RobotFlow:Vision)
Simple SymbolLoad controller.
Inputs |
STREAM | stream | input stream |
Outputs |
CRECT | CRect | CRect read from disk |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
SymbolSegmenter (RobotFlow:Vision)
No description available
Inputs |
IMAGE | Image | Original unprocessed image |
SYMBOL | CRect | Symbol to segment |
Outputs |
SYMBOL_COUNT | int | Number of symbols after segmentation |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
SymbolTracker (RobotFlow:Vision)
No description available
Inputs |
COMPONENTS | ComponentsData | The components from the image. |
Outputs |
DELTA_X | float | The difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (x). |
DELTA_Y | float | The difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (y). | AREA | float | The Area of the color blob | WIDTH | float | The width of the color blob | HEIGHT | float | The height of the color blob | CRECT | CRect | The rectangle. | BOUNDARY | float | The minimum size (in pixel) around the blob in the image. |
Parameters |
FOREGROUND_COLOR_ID | int | The color number being tracked. |
BACKGROUND_COLOR_ID | int | The color number being tracked. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Vision
See next category: RobotFlow:Robots
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:Robots (3)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:Probes
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
RobotConnect (RobotFlow:Robots)
No description available
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
Pioneer2Connect | any | No description available |
PlayerConnect | any | No description available |
Parameters |
Enable_Pioneer2 | bool | No description available |
Pioneer2_MotorEnable | bool | No description available | Pioneer2_SonarEnable | bool | No description available | Pioneer2_SerialPort | string | No description available | Enable_Player | bool | No description available | Player_Host | string | No description available | Player_Frequency | int | No description available | Player_Port | int | No description available | Player_PositionProxy | bool | No description available | Player_GripperProxy | bool | No description available | Player_LaserProxy | bool | No description available | Player_PTZProxy | bool | No description available | Player_SonarProxy | bool | No description available | Player_BlobFinderProxy | bool | No description available | Player_GPSProxy | bool | No description available |
Return to: RobotFlow:Robots
See next category: RobotFlow:Probes
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
RobotPTZ (RobotFlow:Robots)
No description available
Inputs |
PIONEER2_CLIENT | any | No description available |
PLAYER_CLIENT | any | No description available | ABS_PAN | any | No description available | ABS_TILT | any | No description available | REL_PAN | any | No description available | REL_TILT | any | No description available | ZOOM | any | No description available |
Outputs |
CURRENT_PAN | any | No description available |
CURRENT_TILT | any | No description available | CURRENT_ZOOM | any | No description available |
Parameters |
EVID30_PAN_SPEED | int | No description available |
EVID30_TILT_SPEED | int | No description available | EVID30_SERIAL_PORT | string | No description available |
Return to: RobotFlow:Robots
See next category: RobotFlow:Probes
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
RobotSonars (RobotFlow:Robots)
No description available
Inputs |
Pioneer2Sonars | any | No description available |
PlayerSonars | any | No description available |
Outputs |
SONAR_00 | any | No description available |
SONAR_01 | any | No description available | SONAR_02 | any | No description available | SONAR_03 | any | No description available | SONAR_04 | any | No description available | SONAR_05 | any | No description available | SONAR_06 | any | No description available | SONAR_07 | any | No description available | SONAR_08 | any | No description available | SONAR_09 | any | No description available | SONAR_10 | any | No description available | SONAR_11 | any | No description available | SONAR_12 | any | No description available | SONAR_13 | any | No description available | SONAR_14 | any | No description available | SONAR_15 | any | No description available | ALL_SONARS | any | No description available |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Robots
See next category: RobotFlow:Probes
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:Probes (10)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
CheckBoxPanel (RobotFlow:Probes)
Display vertical checkboxes and output the state
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | Vector | The state of the checkboxes |
Parameters |
CHECKBOXES | string | Checkboxes labels separated by ":". Default value can be specified by adding ;true ;false at the end. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Probes
See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
ColorTrain (RobotFlow:Probes)
No description available
Inputs |
INPUT | any | No description available |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | any | No description available |
LOOKUP | ColorLookup | The color lookup beeing trained | SAVE_FLAG | bool | The save flag to save the lookup table | COLOR_ID | int | The color id selected |
Parameters |
LOAD_LOOKUP | string | Load this lookup before starting to train. |
HEIGHT | int | The height of the image | WIDTH | int | The width of the image | BREAK_AT | int | No description available | SHOW | bool | No description available | SKIP | int | No description available | H_DELTA | float | The H_DELTA allowed when training a color (degrees) | S_DELTA | float | The S_DELTA allowed when training a color [0-1] | V_DELTA | float | The V_DELTA allowed when training a color [0-1] | HSV_TRAINING | bool | Train the table using the HSV model |
Return to: RobotFlow:Probes
See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
ImageProbe (RobotFlow:Probes)
No description available
Inputs |
INPUT | any | No description available |
SAVE_FILENAME | string | file name to save probe content (JPEG) |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | any | No description available |
Parameters |
HEIGHT | int | The height of the image |
WIDTH | int | The width of the image | BREAK_AT | int | No description available | SHOW | bool | No description available | SKIP | int | No description available |
Return to: RobotFlow:Probes
See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
ImageProbeSDL (RobotFlow:Probes)
No description available
Inputs |
INPUT | any | No description available |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | any | No description available |
Parameters |
HEIGHT | int | The height of the image |
WIDTH | int | The width of the image |
Return to: RobotFlow:Probes
See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
LaserProbe (RobotFlow:Probes)
Display the data from a laser
Inputs |
INPUT | Vector | The range values from the laser beam. (mm) |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | any | No description available |
Parameters |
BREAK_AT | any | No description available |
SHOW | any | No description available | SKIP | any | No description available |
Return to: RobotFlow:Probes
See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
PTZControl (RobotFlow:Probes)
No description available
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
REL_PAN | int | relative pan command |
REL_TILT | int | relative tilt command | REL_ZOOM | int | relative zoom command | ABS_PAN | int | absolute pan command | ABS_TILT | int | absolute tilt command | ABS_ZOOM | int | absolute zoom command |
Parameters |
MIN_ZOOM_SLIDER_VAL | int | The command to send when in "WIDE" mode |
MAX_ZOOM_SLIDER_VAL | int | The command to send when in "TELE" mode |
Return to: RobotFlow:Probes
See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
SkinColorGMMTrain (RobotFlow:Probes)
Manual selection of skin and non skin regions to adapt existing skin color models.
Inputs |
IN_IMAGE | Image | Current frame |
Outputs |
SEGMENTED_IMAGE | Image | The skin mask image. |
Parameters |
WIDTH | int | The width of the video frame |
HEIGHT | int | The height of the video frame | NUM_CHANNELS | int | Number of channels of the video frame. | OUT_MODEL_FILENAME | string | Filename for the models to be saved. | NUM_SKIN_GAUSSIANS | int | Number of gaussians to use in the skin mixture model. | MEAN_SKIN_LOG_LIKELIHOOD_THRESHOLD | float | Mean log likelihood threshold to consider a pixel as skin. | SKIN_LOG_LIKELIHOOD_THRESHOLD_INC | float | Increment for the mean log likelihood threshold. This is to test multiple thresholds. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Probes
See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
SymbolKeypad (RobotFlow:Probes)
Probe used to train the neural networks. The user will enter the proper symbol displayed.
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
KEYPAD_ID | int | The Id of the key that is pressed |
KEYPAD_NAME | Char | The Char description of the key that is pressed | ACTIVATED | bool | True if the user is pressing a button, else false. |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Probes
See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
VirtualJoystick (RobotFlow:Probes)
Virtual joystick with 2 standard buttons and 2 toggle buttons
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | Vector | x, y, button1, button2 of the joystick |
Parameters |
BUTTONS_VISIBLE | bool | True if you want to use buttons. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Probes
See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
VisualROISelection (RobotFlow:Probes)
Region of interest selection interface
Inputs |
IN_IMAGE | Image | Current frame |
Outputs |
OUT_ROI | VisualROI | The user defined region of interest |
Parameters |
WIDTH | int | The width of the video frame |
HEIGHT | int | The height of the video frame | NUM_CHANNELS | int | Number of channels of the video frame. | ROI_REGION_TYPE | int | Geometric type for the ROI region (refer to enum e_VISUALROI_type in VisualROI.h). |
Return to: RobotFlow:Probes
See next category: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:Pioneer2 (11)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Pioneer2Connect (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)
Connect to the P2OS on Pioneer2, via serial port
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
CONNECTED | bool | Return TRUE if the robot is connected on P2OS, FALSE otherwise. |
Parameters |
MotorEnable | bool | Enable motor on startup if TRUE, otherwise the motor must be enable manually (white button on Pioneer2 |
FrontSonarEnable | bool | Enable front sonars on startup if TRUE, otherwise the sonar are not activated. | RearSonarEnable | bool | Enable rear sonars on startup if TRUE, otherwise the sonar are not activated. | SERIAL_PORT | string | Serial port for P2OS comm. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Pioneer2Gripper (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)
No description available
Inputs |
CONNECTED | bool | No description available |
GRIPPER | int | No description available | GRIPPER_VAL | int | No description available |
Outputs |
CONNECTED | bool | No description available |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Pioneer2GripperState (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)
Gets gripper state from 'SIP' field 'TIMER' and packs resulting boolean values in an object.
Inputs |
SIP_TIMER | any | 'Timer' element of the SIP. Gripper state is available in the MSByte of that element. |
Outputs |
State | TP2GripperState | Object containing gripper state. |
LIFT_FULLY_UP_OR_DOWN | bool | No Description Available | LIFT_MOVING | bool | No Description Available | PADDLES_COMPLETELY_OPENED | bool | No Description Available | PADDLES_MOVING | bool | No Description Available | RIGHT_PADDLE_PUSHED | bool | No Description Available | LEFT_PADDLE_PUSHED | bool | No Description Available | INNER_BREAKBEAM_CUT | bool | No Description Available | OUTER_BREAKBEAM_CUT | bool | No Description Available |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Pioneer2RotationIn (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)
No description available
Inputs |
CONNECTED | any | No description available |
REL_HEADING | any | No description available | ABS_HEADING | any | No description available | COLBERT_REL_HEADING | any | No description available | ROTATION_VELOCITY | int | No description available |
Outputs |
CONNECTED | any | No description available |
Parameters |
ROTATION_ACCELERATION | int | Rotational acceleration (deg/s2). Default value is for P2DX. |
MAX_ROTATION_VELOCITY | int | Maximum rotational velocity (deg/s). Default value is for P2DX. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Pioneer2SIP (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)
No description available
Inputs |
CONNECTED | bool | No description available |
Outputs |
SIP | PioneerData | No description available |
CONNECTED | bool | No description available |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Pioneer2SIPExtract (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)
No description available
Inputs |
SIP | any | No description available |
CONNECTED | bool | No description available |
Outputs |
SIP | PioneerData | No description available |
STATUS | any | No description available | XPOS | any | No description available | YPOS | any | No description available | THPOS | any | No description available | LVEL | any | No description available | RVEL | any | No description available | BATTERY | any | No description available | BUMPERS | any | No description available | CONTROL | any | No description available | PTU | any | No description available | SONARS | any | No description available | TIMER | any | No description available | ANALOG | any | No description available | DIGIN | any | No description available | DIGOUT | any | No description available | CONNECTED | bool | No description available |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Pioneer2Sonars (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)
No description available
Inputs |
IS_CONNECTED | any | No description available |
Outputs |
SONAR_00 | any | No description available |
SONAR_01 | any | No description available | SONAR_02 | any | No description available | SONAR_03 | any | No description available | SONAR_04 | any | No description available | SONAR_05 | any | No description available | SONAR_06 | any | No description available | SONAR_07 | any | No description available | SONAR_08 | any | No description available | SONAR_09 | any | No description available | SONAR_10 | any | No description available | SONAR_11 | any | No description available | SONAR_12 | any | No description available | SONAR_13 | any | No description available | SONAR_14 | any | No description available | SONAR_15 | any | No description available | ALL_SONARS | any | All sonar readings |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Pioneer2VelocityIn (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)
No description available
Inputs |
VELOCITY_IN | any | No description available |
IS_CONNECTED | any | No description available |
Outputs |
CONNECTED | any | No description available |
Parameters |
MAX_TRANS_VEL | int | No description available |
MAX_TRANS_ACC | int | No description available |
Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Pioneer2VelocityOut (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)
No description available
Inputs |
IS_CONNECTED | any | No description available |
Outputs |
L_VELOCITY | any | No description available |
R_VELOCITY | any | No description available | X_POS | any | No description available | Y_POS | any | No description available |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Pioneer2Voltage (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)
Voltage sensor from the robot.
Inputs |
IS_CONNECTED | bool | If we are connected to the robot. |
Outputs |
Voltage | float | Voltage from batteries. |
LowVoltage | bool | Low voltage trigger. | ANALOG | float | Analog value from robot pins. | Digin | int | Digital inputs (IR sensors) |
Parameters |
LowVoltageTrigger | float | Low voltage trigger (on). |
LowVoltageReset | float | Low voltage trigger (off). |
Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Pioneer2xyPos (RobotFlow:Pioneer2)
No description available
Inputs |
IS_CONNECTED | any | No description available |
Outputs |
xPos | any | No description available |
yPos | any | No description available | thPos | any | No description available |
Parameters |
RESET_DIST | any | No description available |
Return to: RobotFlow:Pioneer2
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST (2)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:LOGIC
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
extractMarieRequestSystem (RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST)
Extract MARIE request system information
Inputs |
REQUEST_SYSTEM | MarieObject | input MarieObject object containing a RequestSystem |
Outputs |
COMMAND | string | Command stored in the Request System |
DATA | string | Data stored in the Request System | REQUEST_ID | int | Request ID stored in the Request System | STATE | string | State stored in the Request System |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:LOGIC
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieRequestSystem (RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a RequestSystem data
Inputs |
COMMAND | string | Command to include in the request |
DATA | string | Data to include in the request | REQUEST_ID | int | Request ID to include in the request | STATE | string | State to include in the request |
Outputs |
REQUEST_SYSTEM | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a RequestSystem data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:REQUEST
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:LOGIC
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:MARIE:LOGIC (1)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:IO
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
isMarieDataNull (RobotFlow:MARIE:LOGIC)
Verify if we have a MarieObject containing a DataNull data.
Inputs |
INPUT | any | any Input to verify |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | bool | True if we have a MarieObject containing a DataNull data, else false. |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:LOGIC
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:IO
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:MARIE:IO (3)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
MariePeek (RobotFlow:MARIE:IO)
Peak an object from the stream (non blocking)
Inputs |
STREAM | Stream | The input stream |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | any | Object |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:IO
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
MariePull (RobotFlow:MARIE:IO)
Pull an object from the stream (blocking)
Inputs |
STREAM | Stream | The input stream |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | any | Object |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:IO
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
MariePush (RobotFlow:MARIE:IO)
Save an object
Inputs |
INPUT | any | Object |
STREAM | Stream | Stream to write to |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | any | Same Object |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:IO
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA (19)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
extractMarieDataBumper (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs |
DATA_BUMPER | MarieObject | input MarieObject object containing a DataBumper |
Outputs |
NBBUMPERS | int | output nb buttons, nilObject if not used |
BUMPERSTATE | int | output bumper state, nilObject if not used |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
extractMarieDataCamera (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs |
DATA_CAMERA | MarieObject | input MarieObject object containing a DataCamera |
Outputs |
PAN | int | Pan of the camera |
TILT | int | Tilt of the camera | ZOOM | int | Zoom of the camera | IMAGE_WIDTH | int | image width from the camera | IMAGE_HEIGHT | int | image height from the camera | IMAGE_FORMAT | string | format of the image | IMAGE | Image | the image data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
extractMarieDataIR (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs |
DATA_IR | MarieObject | input MarieObject object containing a DataIR |
Outputs |
RANGES | Vector | Range contained in the DataIR object |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
extractMarieDataLaser (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs |
DATA_LASER | MarieObject | input MarieObject object containing a DataLaser |
Outputs |
RANGES | Vector | Range contained in the DataLaser object |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
extractMarieDataLocalisation (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs |
DATA_LOCALISATION | MarieObject | input MarieObject object containing a DataLocalisation |
Outputs |
SOURCES_INFO_VECTOR | Vector | output X |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
extractMarieDataMap (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs |
DATA_MAP | MarieObject | input MarieObject object containing a DataAssociativeMap |
Outputs |
COMPOSITE | CompositeType | Composite object equivalent to MARIE DataAssociativeMap |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
extractMarieDataOdometry (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs |
DATA_ODOMETRY | MarieObject | input MarieObject object containing a DataOdometry |
Outputs |
XPOS | int | X axis position |
YPOS | int | Y axis position | ZPOS | int | Z axis position | YAW | int | YAW angle | PITCH | int | PITCH angle | ROLL | int | ROLL angle | LINEAR_SPEED | int | linear speed (X-Y) | SIDE_SPEED | int | translational speed (X-Y) | ROTATION_SPEED | int | rotation speed (X-Y) |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
extractMarieDataRaw (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs |
DATA_RAW | MarieObject | input MarieObject object containing a DataRaw |
Outputs |
OBJREF | any | Range contained in the DataRaw object |
CUSTOM_ID | string | Range contained in the DataRaw object |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
extractMarieDataSonar (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs |
DATA_SONAR | MarieObject | input MarieObject object containing a DataSonar |
Outputs |
RANGES | Vector | Range contained in the DataSonar object |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieDataBumper (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataBumper data
Inputs |
NBBUMPERS | int | input nb buttons, nilObject if not used |
BUMPERSTATE | int | input bumper state, nilObject if not used |
Outputs |
DATA_BUMPER | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a DataBumper data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieDataCamera (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataCamera data
Inputs |
PAN | int | Pan of the camera |
TILT | int | Tilt of the camera | ZOOM | int | Zoom of the camera | IMAGE_WIDTH | int | image width from the camera | IMAGE_HEIGHT | int | image height from the camera | IMAGE_FORMAT | string | format of the image | IMAGE | Image | the image data |
Outputs |
DATA_CAMERA | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a DataCamera data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieDataIR (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataIR data
Inputs |
RANGES | Vector | Range to be transformed into a MarieDataIR object |
Outputs |
DATA_IR | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a DataIR data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieDataLaser (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataLaser data
Inputs |
RANGES | Vector | Range to be transformed into a DataLaser object |
Outputs |
DATA_LASER | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a DataLaser data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieDataLocalisation (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataLocalisation data
Inputs |
SOURCES_INFO_VECTOR | Vector | input X, nilObject if not used |
Outputs |
DATA_LOCALISATION | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a DataLocalisation data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieDataMap (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataAssociativeMap data
Inputs |
COMPOSITE | CompositeType | Composite Type Object (Map) |
Outputs |
DATA_MAP | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a DataAssociativeMap data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieDataNull (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataNull data
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
DATA_NULL | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a DataNull data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieDataOdometry (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataOdometry data
Inputs |
XPOS | float | X axis position |
YPOS | float | Y axis position | ZPOS | float | Z axis position | YAW | float | YAW angle | PITCH | float | PITCH angle | ROLL | float | ROLL angle | LINEAR_SPEED | float | linear speed (X-Y) | SIDE_SPEED | float | translational speed (X-Y) | ROTATION_SPEED | float | rotation speed (X-Y) |
Outputs |
DATA_ODOMETRY | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a DataOdometry data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieDataRaw (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataRaw data
Inputs |
OBJREF | ObjectRef | MarieDataRaw object |
CUSTOM_ID | String | MarieDataRaw object |
Outputs |
DATA_RAW | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a DataRaw data |
Parameters |
PRETTY_PRINT | bool | Pretty print variables (remove FD tags) |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieDataSonar (RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a DataSonar data
Inputs |
RANGES | Vector | Range to be transformed into a DataSonar object |
Outputs |
DATA_SONAR | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a DataSonar data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:DATA
See next category: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND (8)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
extractMarieCommandBehavior (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)
Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs |
COMMAND_BEHAVIOR | MarieObject | The MarieObject object containing a CommandBehavior |
Outputs |
ACTIVATIONS | CompositeType | Composite |
EXPLOITATIONS | CompositeType | Composite | PARAMS | CompositeType | Composite (parameters in string format seperated by space) | RESULTS | CompositeType | Composite (results in string format seperated by space) |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
extractMarieCommandCamera (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)
Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs |
COMMAND_CAMERA | MarieObject | The MarieObject object containing a CommandCamera |
Outputs |
REL_BRIGHTNESS | int | output brightness |
REL_CONTRAST | int | output contrast | REL_PAN | int | output pan | REL_TILT | int | output tilt | REL_ZOOM | int | output zoom | ABS_BRIGHTNESS | int | output brightness | ABS_CONTRAST | int | output contrast | ABS_PAN | int | output pan | ABS_TILT | int | output tilt | ABS_ZOOM | int | output zoom |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
extractMarieCommandJoystick (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)
Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs |
COMMAND_JOYSTICK | MarieObject | The MarieObject object containing a CommandJoystick |
Outputs |
X | int | input x, nilObject if not used |
Y | int | input y, nilObject if not used | XMIN | int | input xmin, nilObject if not used | YMIN | int | input ymin, nilObject if not used | XMAX | int | input xmax, nilObject if not used | YMAX | int | input ymax, nilObject if not used | NBBUTTONS | int | output nb buttons, nilObject if not used | BUTTONSTATE | int | output button state, nilObject if not used
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
extractMarieCommandMotor (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)
Extract data in the FlowDesigner format from MarieObject
Inputs |
COMMAND_MOTOR | MarieObject | The MarieObject object containing a CommandMotor |
Outputs |
VELOCITY | int | output velocity |
ROTATION | int | output rotation |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieCommandBehavior (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a CommandBehavior data
Inputs |
BEHAVIOR_COMPOSITE_ACC | Vector | Accumulator of composite , BEHAVIOR_ACTIVATION, BEHAVIOR_EXPLOITATION, BEHAVIOR_PARAMETERS, BEHAVIOR_RESULTS> -> behavior name, activation, parameters (separated by space), results (separated by space) |
Outputs |
COMMAND_BEHAVIOR | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a CommandBehavior data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieCommandCamera (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a CommandCamera data
Inputs |
REL_BRIGHTNESS | int | input brightness, nilObject if not used |
REL_CONTRAST | int | input contrast, nilObject if not used | REL_PAN | int | input pan, nilObject if not used | REL_TILT | int | input tilt, nilObject if not used | REL_ZOOM | int | input zoom, nilObject if not used | ABS_BRIGHTNESS | int | input brightness, nilObject if not used | ABS_CONTRAST | int | input contrast, nilObject if not used | ABS_PAN | int | input pan, nilObject if not used | ABS_TILT | int | input tilt, nilObject if not used | ABS_ZOOM | int | input zoom, nilObject if not used |
Outputs |
COMMAND_CAMERA | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a CommandCamera data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieCommandJoystick (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a CommandJoystick data
Inputs |
X | int | input x, nilObject if not used |
Y | int | input y, nilObject if not used | XMIN | int | input xmin, nilObject if not used | YMIN | int | input ymin, nilObject if not used | XMAX | int | input xmax, nilObject if not used | YMAX | int | input ymax, nilObject if not used | NBBUTTONS | int | input nb buttons, nilObject if not used | BUTTONSTATE | int | input button state, nilObject if not used |
Outputs |
COMMAND_JOYSTICK | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a CommandJoystick data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
newMarieCommandMotor (RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND)
Create an object of type MarieObject containing a CommandMotor data
Inputs |
VELOCITY | int | input velocity |
ROTATION | int | input rotation |
Outputs |
COMMAND_MOTOR | MarieObject | Output MarieObject containing a CommandMotor data |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:MARIE:COMMAND
See next category: RobotFlow:LABORIUS
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:LABORIUS (3)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:Generic
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
ChallengeVision (RobotFlow:LABORIUS)
No description available
Inputs |
NNET | any | No description available |
DICT | any | No description available | BLACK_WHITE_LOOKUP | any | No description available | RGB24_320x240In | any | No description available | TEXT_DETECT_ACTIVATED | any | No description available | SKIN_DETECT_ACTIVATION | any | No description available | FACE_DETECT_ACTIVATION | any | No description available | TEXT_TRACKING_ACTIVATED | any | No description available | FACE_TRACKING_ACTIVATED | any | No description available | SHOW_TRACKED_ROI | any | No description available | TEXT_EXTRACTION_ACTIVATED | any | No description available | CURRENT_PAN | any | No description available | CURRENT_TILT | any | No description available | CURRENT_ZOOM | any | No description available |
Outputs |
FRAME_FILENAME | any | No description available |
TEXT | any | No description available | ORIGINAL_TEXT | any | No description available | ABS_TILT | any | No description available | ABS_PAN | any | No description available | ABS_ZOOM | any | No description available | RGB24_320x240Out | any | No description available | FACE_DETECTED | any | No description available | TEXT_DETECTED | any | No description available | CURRENT_TRACKING_ROI | any | No description available | SKIN_DETECTED | any | No description available | GRAYSCALE_IMAGE_TEXT | any | No description available |
Parameters |
DEFAULT_ABS_PAN_COMMAND | int | No description available |
DEFAULT_ABS_TILT_COMMAND | int | No description available | MIN_SYMBOL_HEIGHT | int | No description available | MIN_SYMBOL_WIDTH | int | No description available | MIN_DICT_SCORE | float | No description available | MIN_DIGIT_SCORE | float | No description available | DICT_ONLY | bool | No description available | VERTICAL_TOLERANCE | float | No description available | HORIZONTAL_TOLERANCE | float | No description available |
Return to: RobotFlow:LABORIUS
See next category: RobotFlow:Generic
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
No description available
Inputs |
NNET | any | No description available |
DICT | any | No description available | COLOR_LOOKUP | any | No description available | CURRENT_ABS_ZOOM | any | No description available | RGB15_IMAGE | any | No description available | SIGN_TRACKING_ACTIVATED | any | No description available | BLACK_WHITE_LOOKUP | any | No description available |
Outputs |
REL_PAN_COMMAND | any | No description available |
REL_TILT_COMMAND | any | No description available | ABS_ZOOM_COMMAND | any | No description available | SENTENCE | any | No description available | ORIGINAL_TEXT | any | No description available | READING_FLAG | any | No description available |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:LABORIUS
See next category: RobotFlow:Generic
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
No description available
Inputs |
NNET | any | No description available |
DICT | any | No description available | SIGN_TRACKING_ACTIVATED | any | No description available | BLACK_WHITE_LOOKUP | any | No description available | RGB15_BINARIZED | any | No description available |
Outputs |
SENTENCE | any | No description available |
ORIGINAL_TEXT | any | No description available |
Parameters |
MIN_SYMBOL_HEIGHT | int | No description available |
MIN_SYMBOL_WIDTH | int | No description available | MIN_DICT_SCORE | float | No description available | MIN_DIGIT_SCORE | float | No description available | DICT_ONLY | bool | No description available | VERTICAL_TOLERANCE | float | No description available | HORIZONTAL_TOLERANCE | float | No description available |
Return to: RobotFlow:LABORIUS
See next category: RobotFlow:Generic
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:Generic (4)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:FSM
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
DictionaryLookup (RobotFlow:Generic)
Find the words in the dictionnary
Inputs |
DICTIONARY | string | List of know word |
TEXT_IN | string | Text to analyse |
Outputs |
TEXT_OUT | string | Text analysed |
Parameters |
PASSING_SCORE | float | Score, in percent, that must be obtained for a substitution to occur |
Return to: RobotFlow:Generic
See next category: RobotFlow:FSM
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Random (RobotFlow:Generic)
Get random number between [0-1]
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | float | No Description Available |
Parameters |
SEED | int | random number generator seed |
Return to: RobotFlow:Generic
See next category: RobotFlow:FSM
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
TimeStamp (RobotFlow:Generic)
Get the current time and returns it in a string
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | string | Time represented in a string |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Generic
See next category: RobotFlow:FSM
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
USleep (RobotFlow:Generic)
Wait a given time.
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | any | Nothing |
Parameters |
MICROSECONDS | int | The time required to sleep |
Return to: RobotFlow:Generic
See next category: RobotFlow:FSM
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:FSM (1)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:EMIB
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
FSMGenerator (RobotFlow:FSM)
Finite state machine subnet generator.
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
OUT_FILENAME | string | The file name containing the generated c++ code. |
Parameters |
FSM_FILE | string | The file name containing the FSM description. |
Return to: RobotFlow:FSM
See next category: RobotFlow:EMIB
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:EMIB (1)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:Devices
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
NewSymbolIdentify (RobotFlow:EMIB)
Identify symbol from neural network output
Inputs |
INPUT | Vector | neural network output vector |
Outputs |
SYMBOL_ID | int | Found symbol ID |
Parameters |
THRESHOLD | float | Recognition threshold |
Return to: RobotFlow:EMIB
See next category: RobotFlow:Devices
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:Devices (7)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:Control
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
CANON_VCC4 (RobotFlow:Devices)
No description available
Inputs |
PAN_ABS_POS | int | Absolute Pan of the camera -1000 to +1000 |
TILT_ABS_POS | int | Absolute Tilt of the camera -300 to +300 | PAN_REL_POS | int | Absolute Pan of the camera -1000 to +1000 | TILT_REL_POS | int | Absolute Tilt of the camera -300 to +300 | ZOOM | int | Absolute Zoom of the camera 0 (1X wide) to 128 ( 16X tele) |
Outputs |
PAN_POSITION | int | Returns the current pan position of the Camera |
TILT_POSITION | int | Returns the current tilt position of the Camera | ZOOM_POSITION | int | Returns the current zoom position of the Camera |
Parameters |
PAN_SPEED | int | Pan speed 0-24 |
TILT_SPEED | int | Tilt speed 0-20 | SERIAL_PORT | string | No Description Available | DEVICE_NUMBER | int | No Description Available |
Return to: RobotFlow:Devices
See next category: RobotFlow:Control
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
EVID30 (RobotFlow:Devices)
Sony EVI-D30 Pan-Tilt-Zoom driver.
Inputs |
PAN_ABS_POS | int | Absolute Pan of the camera -880 to +880. (1/10 of degrees) |
TILT_ABS_POS | int | Absolute Tilt of the camera -300 to +300. (1/10 of degrees) | PAN_REL_POS | int | Absolute Pan of the camera -880 to +880. (1/10 of degrees) | TILT_REL_POS | int | Absolute Tilt of the camera -300 to +300. (1/10 of degrees) | ZOOM | int | Absolute Zoom of the camera 0 (1X) to 1023 (12X) |
Outputs |
PAN_POSITION | int | Returns the current pan position of the Camera |
TILT_POSITION | int | Returns the current tilt position of the Camera | ZOOM_POSITION | int | Returns the current zoom position of the Camera |
Parameters |
PAN_SPEED | int | Pan speed 0-24 |
TILT_SPEED | int | Tilt speed 0-20 | SERIAL_PORT | string | No Description Available |
Return to: RobotFlow:Devices
See next category: RobotFlow:Control
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
IMU400CC_200 (RobotFlow:Devices)
Crossbow IMU400CC-200 driver.
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
X_ACCEL | float | X ACCELERATION (G force) |
Y_ACCEL | float | Y ACCELERATION (G force) | Z_ACCEL | float | Z ACCELERATION (G force) | YAW_RATE | float | YAW RATE (deg/sec) | PITCH_RATE | float | PITCH RATE (deg/sec) | ROLL_RATE | float | ROLL_RATE (deg/sec)
| X | float | X position (meters) | Y | float | Y position (meters) | Z | float | Z position (meters) | YAW | float | YAW (deg) | PITCH | float | PITCH (deg) | ROLL | float | ROLL (deg)
Parameters |
SERIAL_PORT | string | No Description Available |
BIAS_VALUES | int | The number of values to calculate the bias on gyro rate before processing. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Devices
See next category: RobotFlow:Control
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
SICKLMS200 (RobotFlow:Devices)
No description available
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
RANGE | Vector | Returns the current range of the Laser (mm) |
INTENSITY | Vector | Returns the current intensity of the Laser |
Parameters |
SERIAL_PORT | string | No Description Available |
Return to: RobotFlow:Devices
See next category: RobotFlow:Control
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
SNCRZ30 (RobotFlow:Devices)
Sony SNCRZ30 Network Camera Pan-Tilt-Zoom + JPEG image driver.
Inputs |
PAN_ABS_POS | int | Absolute Pan of the camera -880 to +880. (1/10 of degrees) |
TILT_ABS_POS | int | Absolute Tilt of the camera -300 to +300. (1/10 of degrees) | PAN_REL_POS | int | Absolute Pan of the camera -880 to +880. (1/10 of degrees) | TILT_REL_POS | int | Absolute Tilt of the camera -300 to +300. (1/10 of degrees) | ZOOM_ABS_POS | int | Absolute Zoom of the camera 1 (1X) to 24 (24X) [0-0x4000] | ZOOM_REL_POS | int | Relative Zoom of the camera 1 (1X) to 24 (24X) [0-0x4000] |
Outputs |
PAN_POSITION | int | Returns the current pan position of the Camera |
TILT_POSITION | int | Returns the current tilt position of the Camera | ZOOM_POSITION | int | Returns the current zoom position of the Camera | IMAGE | Image | Return the image from the camera |
Parameters |
PAN_SPEED | int | Pan speed 0-24 |
TILT_SPEED | int | Tilt speed 0-20 | HOST | string | The HOST where to connect (camera IP or network name) | CONTINUOUS | bool | Continuously grab images | TRANSMIT_SPEED | int | transfer rate FPS [0=FASTEST] | WAIT_REPLY | bool | Wait for camera reply on commands | INQUIRY_POSITION | bool | Inquiry position of the pan,tilt,zoom from the device |
Return to: RobotFlow:Devices
See next category: RobotFlow:Control
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
SNCRZ30RS232 (RobotFlow:Devices)
Sony SNZRZ30 RS-232 Pan-Tilt-Zoom driver.
Inputs |
PAN_ABS_POS | int | Absolute Pan of the camera -1700 to +1700. (1/10 of degrees) |
TILT_ABS_POS | int | Absolute Tilt of the camera -725 to +425. (1/10 of degrees) | PAN_REL_POS | int | Absolute Pan of the camera -1700 to +1700. (1/10 of degrees) | TILT_REL_POS | int | Absolute Tilt of the camera -725 to +425. (1/10 of degrees) | ZOOM_ABS_POS | int | Absolute Zoom of the camera 0 (1X) to 16384 (24X) | ZOOM_REL_POS | int | Relative Zoom according to the actual zoom position |
Outputs |
PAN_POSITION | int | Returns the current pan position of the Camera |
TILT_POSITION | int | Returns the current tilt position of the Camera | ZOOM_POSITION | int | Returns the current zoom position of the Camera |
Parameters |
PAN_SPEED | int | Pan speed 0-24 |
TILT_SPEED | int | Tilt speed 0-20 | SERIAL_PORT | string | No Description Available |
Return to: RobotFlow:Devices
See next category: RobotFlow:Control
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
V4L2Capture (RobotFlow:Devices)
Interface for any V4L2 frame grabber.
Inputs |
none | none | none |
Outputs |
IMAGE | Image | The image from the frame grabber. |
Parameters |
DEVICE | string | The device name. |
WIDTH | int | Width of the image. | HEIGHT | int | Height of the image. | FORMAT | string | Format of image to be captured (GREYSCALE, RGB15, RGB24) | CONTINUOUS | bool | true if we use continuous mode for capture | BRIGHTNESS | int | Image brightness | CONTRAST | int | Image contrast | HUE | int | Image hue | SATURATION | int | Image saturation | AUTO_WHITE_BALANCE | bool | Automatic white balance for V4L2 device. | AUTO_SOFT_BRIGHTNESS | bool | Software adjustment of brightness (TEST) |
Return to: RobotFlow:Devices
See next category: RobotFlow:Control
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:Control (4)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: RobotFlow:Behaviors
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
EVID30_PID (RobotFlow:Control)
Simple PID controller for EVI-D30 camera.
Inputs |
DELTA_X | float | Diff. Number of pixel(x) to the center of the image. |
DELTA_Y | float | Diff. Number of pixel(y) to the center of the image. | ZOOM | int | Current camera zoom. |
Outputs |
REL_PAN | int | Relative Pan Value |
REL_TILT | int | Relative Tilt Value |
Parameters |
P_GAIN | float | Proportionnal gain. |
I_GAIN | float | Integral gain. | D_GAIN | float | Derivative gain. | I_MAX | float | The maximum Integral value. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Control
See next category: RobotFlow:Behaviors
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
GenericPID (RobotFlow:Control)
Simple PID controller.
Inputs |
EPSILON | float | Diff. Number of pixel(x) to the center of the image. |
RESET | boolean | Diff. Number of pixel(x) to the center of the image. |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | float | OutPut |
Parameters |
P_GAIN | float | Proportionnal gain. |
I_GAIN | float | Integral gain. | D_GAIN | float | Derivative gain. | I_MAX | float | The maximum Integral value. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Control
See next category: RobotFlow:Behaviors
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
JoystickControl (RobotFlow:Control)
Simple joystick controller.
Inputs |
INPUT | Command from joystick | No Description Available |
Outputs |
VELOCITY | float | Velocity (mm/s) output |
HEADING | float | Heading (deg/s) output |
Parameters |
X_AXIS_GAIN | float | Proportionnal gain. |
Y_AXIS_GAIN | float | Integral gain. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Control
See next category: RobotFlow:Behaviors
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Saturation (RobotFlow:Control)
Simple Saturation Block.
Inputs |
INPUT | float | Input to Saturate. . |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | float | OutPut to Saturate. |
Parameters |
MIN | float | Minimum Value. |
MAX | float | Maximum Value. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Control
See next category: RobotFlow:Behaviors
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
* RobotFlow:Behaviors (29)
List of available FlowDesigner nodes
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Avoid (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
LEFT_FRONT | float | Left sonar value |
FRONT | float | Front sonar value | RIGHT_FRONT | float | Right sonar value | ACTIVATED | bool | Behavior activation |
Outputs |
ROTATION | int | Rotation value |
EXPLOITATION | any | Behavior exploitation |
Parameters |
DETECTION_RANGE | float | No description available |
ROTATION_VALUE | int | No description available |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
AvoidPat (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | bool | Behavior activation |
RANGE_BELT | Vector | Range mesure around the robot | ACTUAL_VELOCITY | int | Actual velocity of the robot |
Outputs |
VELOCITY | int | Velocity value |
ROTATION | int | Rotation value | EXPLOITATION | any | Behavior exploitation. |
Parameters |
MAX_AVOID_VELOCITY | int | Maximum velocity allowed (mm/s). |
MIN_AVOID_VELOCITY | int | Minimum velocity to help the rotation (mm/s). | MAX_ROTATION | int | Maximum rotation allowed (degree/s). | MIN_ROTATION | int | Minimum rotation to get something going (degree/s). | MIN_ROTATION_GAIN | float | Gain to apply to the MIN_ROTATION value | MAX_ROBOT_VELOCITY | int | Maximum distance of the protection (mm) | MAX_VEL_CORRECTION | int | Maximum correction of the velocity per iteration (mm/s) | MAX_DISTANCE | int | Maximum distance of the protection (mm) | MIN_DISTANCE | int | Minimum distance of the protection (mm) | MARGIN_TOL | float | Factor to break linear approximation of the speed calculation [0,1] | SIDE_FACTOR | float | Factor to scale de security distance for the side | BACKWARD_DIST | int | Distance threshold to go backward | BACKWARD_VELOCITY | int | Backward velocity to apply (mm/s) | BACKWARD_ROTATION | int | Rotation to apply when going backward (mm/s) | BACKWARD_ITERATION | int | Number of iteration to apply backward velocity (mm/s) |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
BehaviorSelection (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
RECOMMANDATION | any | No description available |
Outputs |
ACTIVATION | any | No description available |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
BumperStall (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
NBBUMPERS | int | Number of bumpers |
BUMPERSTATE | int | Global value of the bumpers state | ACTIVATED | bool | Behavior activation |
Outputs |
VELOCITY | int | Velocity value |
ROTATION | int | Velocity value | EXPLOITATION | any | Behavior exploitation |
Parameters |
BEHAVIOR_TYPE | int | Type of action to do on bumper contact |
NB_ITER_ALLOWED | int | Number of allowed iterations with a bumper pressed (TYPE=0) |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Direct (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
command | any | No description available |
ACTIVATED | any | No description available | xPos | any | No description available | yPos | any | No description available | thPos | any | No description available |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | No description available |
velocity | any | No description available | relHeading | any | No description available | busy | any | No description available |
Parameters |
vel | int | No description available |
deltaDist | float | No description available | deltaRad | float | No description available | deltaRad2 | float | No description available | distSlowDown | float | No description available |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
DirectArbiter (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
To move robot arbitrary, according to movement selected by the trigger.
Movement are defined by external bloc.
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | any | ACTIVATED input of a behavior. |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | EXPLOITATION output of a behavior. |
Trigger1 | any | First movement. | Trigger2 | any | Second movement. | Trigger3 | any | Third movement. |
Parameters |
interval1 | int | First timer before change robot movement. |
interval2 | int | Second timer before change robot movement. | interval3 | int | Third timer before change robot movement. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
DirectPolygon (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
To move robot in a polygon.
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | any | ACTIVATED input of a behavior. |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | EXPLOITATION output of a behavior. |
command | any | Command send to the robot. |
Parameters |
nbSide | int | The number of side of the polygon. |
sideLenght | float | The lenght of a side of the polygon to execute. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
DirectSquare (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
To move robot in a square.
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | any | ACTIVATED input of a behavior. |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | EXPLOITATION output of a behavior. |
command | any | Command send to the robot. |
Parameters |
sideLenght | float | The lenght of a side of the square to execute. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
DirectTriangle (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
To move robot in a triangle.
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | any | ACTIVATED input of a behavior. |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | EXPLOITATION output of a behavior. |
command | any | Command send to the robot. |
Parameters |
sideLenght | float | The lenght of a side of the triangle to execute. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
FollowAudioLoc (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
DATA_LOCALISATION | MarieDataLocalisation | MarieDataLocalisation object |
ACTIVATED | bool | Behavior activation | PARAMS | string | rotation speed and escape state in string format (in this order) |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | Behavior exploitation |
VELOCITY | int | output velocity | ROTATION | int | output rotation |
Parameters |
MAX_VELOCITY | int | linear speed (mm/s) |
TRACK_STRONGEST | bool | Track the strongest (most active) source instead of the oldest |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
FollowWall (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
Follow a wall if present in the robot environment
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | bool | Behavior activation |
LASERS | Vector | All lasers reading. |
Outputs |
VELOCITY | int | Robot Velocity (mm/s) |
ROTATION | int | Robot Rotation value (degrees/s) |
Parameters |
MAX_VELOCITY | int | Velocity max (mm/s) |
MIN_VELOCITY | int | Velocity min (mm/s) | MAX_ROTATION | int | Rotation speed max (degrees/s) | NB_SPEED_VALUE | int | Number of values to spread the speed | MAX_DIST_WALL | int | Distance max to be away from the wall | MIN_DIST_WALL | int | Safety distance to wall (mm) | DIST_TOL_CENTER | int | Distance tolerance to the center (mm). Used only when two walls are present | MAX_DIST_DETECTION | int | Maximum distance to look for a wall (mm) | ANGULAR_CORRECTION | int | Extra correction to apply in the heading (degrees) | ANGULAR_TRESHOLD | int | Threshold to apply a angular correction (degrees) | SCANNING_RANGE_BEGIN | int | Scan angle beginning (degrees) | SCANNING_RANGE_END | int | Scan angle ending (degrees) | NB_SCANNING_RANGE_SAMPLES | int | Numbers of laser samples to use between the scanning range | LASER_INCREMENT | float | Angle increment of the laser (degrees) | LASER_RANGE | int | Range of the laser (degrees) | DEGREE_CONFIDENCE | float | Degree of confidence to be considered as a wall | ESTIMATOR | float | Value of the estimator for the test of confidence | STD_DEVIATION | float | Std.dev of the estimator for the test of confidence | NB_SAMPLE_STD_DEVIATION | int | Numbers of samples used in the calculation of the estimator and his std.deviation |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Goto (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
PARAMS | String | absolute target X and Y position (mm) in String format |
HEADING_POS | int | robot actual heading (degrees) | X_POS | int | robot actual x postion (mm) | Y_POS | int | robot actual y postion (mm) | ACTIVATED | bool | Behavior activation |
Outputs |
VELOCITY | int | Robot Velocity (mm/s) |
ROTATION | int | Robot Rotation value (degrees/s) | COMPLETED | bool | Goto completion state | EXPLOITATION | any | Behavior exploitation |
Parameters |
MAX_VELOCITY | int | Velocity max (mm/s) |
MAX_ROTATION | int | Rotation speed max (degrees/s) | HEADING_OFFSET | int | Offset of the heading value with the map orientation(degrees) | GOAL_TOLERANCE | int | X and Y tolerance to consider position on goal (mm) | HEADING_TOLERANCE | int | heading tolerance to consider heading to goal (degrees) | ACTIVATE_VELOCITY_ANGLE | int | Angle range around heading that activates velocity (degrees) | VELOCITY_ANGLE_RATIO | float | Max Velocity ratio to apply when velocity angle is activated (float) |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
GotoPat (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
PARAMS | String | Absolute target (X, Y) position (mm) and bool value indicating if the waypoint is a goal or an intermidate in String format |
HEADING_POS | int | robot actual heading (degrees) | X_POS | int | robot actual x position (mm) | Y_POS | int | robot actual y position (mm) | ACTIVATED | bool | Behavior activation |
Outputs |
VELOCITY | int | Robot Velocity (mm/s) |
ROTATION | int | Robot Rotation value (degrees/s) | COMPLETED | bool | Goto completion state | EXPLOITATION | any | Behavior exploitation |
Parameters |
MAX_VELOCITY | int | Velocity max (mm/s) |
MIN_VELOCITY | int | Velocity min (mm/s) | MAX_ROTATION | int | Rotation speed max (degrees/s) | NB_SPEED_VALUE | int | Number of values to spread the speed | HEADING_OFFSET | int | Offset of the heading value with the map orientation(degrees) | GOAL_TOLERANCE | int | X and Y tolerance to consider position on goal (mm) | HEADING_TOLERANCE | int | heading tolerance to consider heading to goal (degrees) | DISCARD_DIST_INTER_GOAL | int | Distance to discard intermediate goal |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Grasp (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
Put the gripper in deployed position, and grasp something when
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | any | No description available |
GripperState | TP2GripperState | Object containing boolean values describing Pioneer2 gripper state. | xPos | float | Robot's 'X' coordinate. | yPos | float | Robot's 'Y' coordinate. | Heading | float | Robot's heading. |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | No description available |
GripperCommand | int | No description available | VELOCITY | int | No description available | ROTATION | int | No description available | GRASP_STATE | bool | No description available |
Parameters |
TRANS_VEL | int | No description available |
ROT_VEL | int | No description available | BACKUP_DIST | int | No description available | SECONDS_TO_MOVE_AWAY | float | No description available |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Inhibition (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
INHIBIT | any | No description available |
INPUT | any | No description available |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | any | No description available |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
MinimumDistance (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
Safe Velocity behavior
Inputs |
SONARS | Vector | All sonars reading. |
ACTIVATED | any | Behavior activation. |
Outputs |
VELOCITY | int | Robot Velocity |
HEADING | int | Robot Heading | EXPLOITATION | any | Behavior exploitation. |
Parameters |
VELOCITY | int | Forward |
ROTATION | int | Rotation command (deg/sec) | MIN_DISTANCE | float | Minimum distance to keep between robot and objects. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
MoveAndTurn (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
A simple behavior to get a robot to move and turn in a certain direction and for a certain time.
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | any | No description available |
RESET | bool | Reset the sequence of move-turn-wait |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | No description available |
ROTATION | int | Rotation to apply. | VELOCITY | int | Velocity to apply. |
Parameters |
VELOCITY_VALUE | int | Velocity to apply. |
KEEP_VELOCITY_TIME | int | Time required to apply velocity (in seconds). | ROTATION_VALUE | int | Rotation value (in degrees). | KEEP_ROTATION_TIME | int | Time to keep the rotation value active (in seconds). | INACTIVE_TIME | int | Time where both outputs are not active (in seconds). |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
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MultiSignTracking (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
Recognization of multiple signs.
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | any | Behavior activation. |
COMPONENTS | ComponentsData | The components from the image. |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | Exploitation of the behavior (computed in Behavior.cc) |
HEADING | int | The heading command | VELOCITY | int | The velocity command | COMPONENTS | ComponentsData | Components ready for text extraction, if not ready returns nilObject | DELTA_X | float | The difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (x). | DELTA_Y | float | The difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (y). | BOUNDARY | float | The minimum size (in pixel) around the blob in the image. |
Parameters |
MIN_WIDTH | int | minimum width to obtain before we are ready for recognition. |
MIN_HEIGHT | int | minimum height to obtain before we are ready for recognition. | FOREGROUND_COLOR_ID | int | The color number being tracked. | BACKGROUND_COLOR_ID | int | The color number being tracked. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
NewBehavior (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | any | No description available |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | No description available |
Parameters |
BEHAVIOR_NAME | string | The new behavior name. |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
Obey (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | bool | Behavior activation |
PARAMS | string | rotation speed and escape state in string format (in this order) |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | Behavior exploitation |
VELOCITY | int | output velocity | ROTATION | int | output rotation |
Parameters |
MAX_VELOCITY | int | linear speed (mm/s) |
MAX_ROTATION | int | rotation speed (degrees/s) |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
ParametrizedAvoid (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
LEFT_FRONT | float | Left sonar value |
FRONT | float | Front sonar value | RIGHT_FRONT | float | Right sonar value | PARAMS | string | rotation speed and escape state in string format (in this order) | ACTIVATED | bool | Behavior activation |
Outputs |
ROTATION | int | Rotation value |
EXPLOITATION | any | Behavior exploitation |
Parameters |
DETECTION_RANGE | float | No description available |
ESCAPE_RANGE | float | satisfiying range for escape |
Return to: RobotFlow:Behaviors
See next category: -
Return to: Categories of available FlowDesigner nodes
RandomTurn (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | any | No description available |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | No description available |
ROTATION | any | No description available |
Parameters |
RANDOM_TIME | int | Time before getting a new random rotation value. |
ROTATION_VALUE | int | Maximum random rotation value. | KEEP_ROTATION_TIME | int | Time to keep the rotation value active. |
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RangeFashion (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
Fusion range device in a unique percept
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | bool | Behavior activation |
LASER | Vector | All lasers reading. | SONAR | Vector | All sonars reading. | IR | Vector | All IRs reading. |
Outputs |
RANGE_BELT | Vector | Percept after fusion |
EXPLOITATION | any | Behavior exploitation |
Parameters |
TYPE_FASHION | int | Determine of to make the sensor fashion |
MAX_DIST | int | Distance when no data from sensor (mm) | MAX_DIST_IR | int | Max range detection of IR (mm) | MAX_DIST_SONAR | int | Max range detection of sonar (mm) | MAX_DIST_LASER | int | Max range detection of laser (mm) |
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Rest (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | any | No description available |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | No description available |
velocity | any | No description available | relHeading | any | No description available |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
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SafeVelocity (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
Safe Velocity behavior
Inputs |
FORWARD_VELOCITY | int | Forward velocity of the robot. |
FRONT | float | Front sonar reading. | BACK | float | Back sonar reading. | ACTIVATED | bool | Behavior activation. |
Outputs |
VELOCITY | int | Robot Velocity |
EXPLOITATION | any | Behavior exploitation. |
Parameters |
MAX_FORWARD_VELOCITY | int | Maximum velocity allowed (mm/s). |
BACKWARD_VELOCITY | int | Default value when going backward. | FRONT_DISTANCE | float | Front sonar reading befoir going backward. | BACK_DISTANCE | float | Back sonar reading before going forward. |
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SafeVelocityPat (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
Safe Velocity behavior
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | bool | Behavior activation. |
DESIRED_VELOCITY | int | Desired velocity of the robot | ROTATION | int | Desired rotation of the robot | RANGE_BELT | Vector | Distance of the obstacle to the robot |
Outputs |
VELOCITY | int | Output velocity |
EXPLOITATION | any | Behavior exploitation. |
Parameters |
MAX_VELOCITY | int | Maximum velocity allowed (mm/s). |
MIN_VELOCITY | int | Minimum velocity to beat friction (mm/s) (-1 to disable). | MAX_DISTANCE | int | Maximum distance of the protection (mm) | MIN_DISTANCE | int | Maximum distance of the protection (mm) | SIDE_FACTOR | float | Factor to scale de security distance for the side | MAX_VEL_CORRECTION | int | Maximum velocity correction to apply |
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SignTracking (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
ACTIVATED | any | No description available |
COMPONENTS | ComponentsData | The components from the image. |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | Exploitation of the behavior (computed in Behavior.cc) |
HEADING | int | The heading command | VELOCITY | int | The velocity command | RECT | CRect | The CRect if properly scaled and ready for recognition, else nilObject. | DELTA_X | float | The difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (x). | DELTA_Y | float | The difference between the center of the image ant the biggest blob (y). | AREA | float | The Area of the color blob | WIDTH | float | The width of the color blob | HEIGHT | float | The height of the color blob | BOUNDARY | float | The minimum size (in pixel) around the blob in the image. |
Parameters |
MIN_WIDTH | int | minimum width to obtain before we are ready for recognition. |
MIN_HEIGHT | int | minimum height to obtain before we are ready for recognition. | FOREGROUND_COLOR_ID | int | The color number being tracked. | BACKGROUND_COLOR_ID | int | The color number being tracked. |
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Subsumption (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
No description available
Inputs |
HIGH_PRIORITY | any | No description available |
LOW_PRIORITY | any | No description available |
Outputs |
OUTPUT | any | No description available |
Parameters |
none | none | none |
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TrackAudioLoc (RobotFlow:Behaviors)
Compute a CommandCamera from a DataLocalisation
Inputs |
DATA_LOCALISATION | MarieObject | MarieObject object containing a DataLocalisation data |
ACTIVATED | bool | Behavior activation | PARAMS | string | rotation speed and escape state in string format (in this order) |
Outputs |
EXPLOITATION | any | Behavior exploitation |
PAN | float | pan in degree computed from DATA_LOCALISATION | TILT | float | tilt in degree computed from DATA_LOCALISATION |
Parameters |
TRACK_STRONGEST | bool | Track the strongest (most active) source instead of the oldest |
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